Splash Needed ❣️

I really need a “THIS STORY WILL BE CONTINUED!!” splash. If you are up for it, please respond! Thanks !!

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I can do it

Omg thank you!!
These are the details for the character!

Skin: Tan
Eyes: upturned bold (grey)
lips: full round (plum)
hair: diva curls (black)
eyebrows: seductive arch
face: soft heart
nose: upturned
The outfit is the navy blue romper with the silver and gold choker and heels! ~
Can the backgound please be navy blue?
Thank you so much and take your time.

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Okay it should take me 3-5

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Sorry, there is no grey eyes

I apologize, I meant black!

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What background do you want

Can the background be EXT. JUVIE ROOFTOP - NIGHT?

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Got it, and the pose it flirt_wink right


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I was really confused about what heels you want it, so I just added some

It’s perfect! Thank you much and the shoes are fine. Now, what’s your social media, so I may give credit!

I don’t like social media, but you can credit me at K.episode

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