🆕 SPOT CHEAT SHEET: Episode Bed Spots Templates

Bump :bed:

Bump :blob_turtle:

where did you get the dog overlay??

Heyy yes I’m sorry i don’t remember but there’s so much u can look for It, in the end of my episode story there’s names of the people who i get the overlays from, u will find so many overlays, maybe u do find it too

ok thanks

This looks really helpful. I was wondering if there’s a way to make my MC lie on the double bed in zone 1 in the Bristol Dorm background. It seems impossible since the animation idle lay exhausted doesn’t work when the bed is at that angle. In the guide it only has the position for lying on the couch in zone 2.
So I’m just wondering if there is any way to get around this. I’m still really new to episode and seem to be getting the hang of it. It would be really annoying to have to rewrite my room decoration scene and all the scene I have in the room so far to a different room background. Or I could just not let her lie down on the bed at all.

is there one for CUTE BEDROOM GIRL - DAY ?

life saver :kissing_heart:

@Apes are there any new updates in the Limelight Version? I couldn’t get my characters to lay down on the bed or make them walk towards the bed with the Cheatsheet.