SPOT DIRECTING HELP! Rear facing car, driving into the distance!

I have a long stretch of road and a rear facing car. I want it to appear that the car is driving into the distance but every time I change the spot direction, the car floats then goes back onto the road so to speak. May I have some help with this please.

I’ve had a bit of a break from this so I am a bit rusty!

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Can u share the pic of ur coding


It’s hard to tell without seeing your code, but are you putting timestamps on the spot directing? ie. does your code look like:

@overlay CAR REAR shifts to 100 100 AND overlay CAR REAR scales to .5 .5


@overlay CAR REAR shifts to 100 100 in 1 AND overlay CAR REAR scales to .5 .5 in 1

You definitely want it to have that “in 1”, or whatever time you’d like. If that’s not the issue, please post your script!


It worked when I did this way of coding!

I originally didn’t have the shift and scale on the same line.

Thanks so much!

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Awesome, glad to hear it!

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Hey sorry I have come to another problem. I got the red rear car overlay to move the way you suggested but because I have 3 girls in the car I also have a layered rear car overlay. So my issue is I obviously want the girls and the layered overlay to move the same time as the red rear car overlay. I have tried all different spot directions, but it’s not working out the way it should. Here is my script, would you mind helping me with this bit please.

&overlay RED REAR CAR shifts to 26 160 in 1.5 AND overlay RED REAR CAR scales to 0.388 0.388 in 1.5
@overlay LAYERED REAR CAR shifts to 26 160 in 1.5 AND overlay LAYERED REAR CAR scales to 0.388 0.388 in 1.5
@SHARON walks to spot 0.479 198 374 in 1.5 AND SHARON faces right AND SHARON is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear AND SHARON moves to layer 2 THEN SHARON is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear
@CHRISTINE walks to spot 0.479 122 374 in 1.5 AND CHRISTINE faces left AND CHRISTINE is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear AND CHRISTINE moves to layer 2 THEN CHRISTINE is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear
@TAYLOR walks to spot .407 158 395 in 1.5 AND TAYLOR faces left AND TAYLOR is dance_wavehands_happy_loop AND TAYLOR moves to layer 2 THEN TAYLOR is dance_wavehands_happy_loop

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When you want a character to do a specific animation while moving/walking, you use “does it while” instead of “is”. It’s also important that you either get used to using “&” or “AND” commands, as “@” won’t work if you want multiple actions to happen at once. So your code should be:

@overlay LAYERED REAR CAR shifts to 26 160 in 1.5 AND overlay LAYERED REAR CAR scales to 0.388 0.388 in 1.5 AND SHARON walks to spot 0.479 198 374 in 1.5 AND SHARON faces right AND SHARON does it while idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear AND SHARON moves to layer 2 AND CHRISTINE walks to spot 0.479 122 374 in 1.5 AND CHRISTINE faces left AND CHRISTINE does it while idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear AND CHRISTINE moves to layer 2 AND TAYLOR walks to spot .407 158 395 in 1.5 AND TAYLOR faces left AND TAYLOR does it while dance_wavehands_happy_loop AND TAYLOR moves to layer 2
@SHARON is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear AND SHARON faces right AND CHRISTINE is idle_sit_neutral_loop_rear AND CHRISTINE faces left AND TAYLOR is dance_wavehands_happy_loop AND TAYLOR faces left

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