Spot helper won't work

That said, the other helpers such as “zoom helper” “overlay” and “filters” aren’t working.
I can click on Navigation, but when I click on spot helper, it just treats it like I’m clicking to go to the next line. Please help!

Are you using the web previewer or the app?

Web previewer. The app doesn’t work on my phone.

The web previewer tends to be glitchy which is why I always reccommend the app… I would submit a ticket to admin.

What seems to be wrong with your app?

  1. Can’t search stories
  2. Can’t search users
  3. My favourites shelf isn’t on the app
  4. Can’t edit stories
  5. Can’t edit profile
    TL;DR only user settings I have are to log back in and log out.

Then I would definitely submit a ticket about that as well

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As @RudeInception suggested, the best thing to do at this point would be to submit a request to our support team. Thanks and hope it get’s resolved.