Spot that Story - game

Do you enjoy games? Every so often, I post videos of Episode stories - one screenshot per story. Can be anywhere from 10-20 stories in the clip. Can you recognise any of the stories?
If you have Instagram and want to play, head over to

Ps: no need to follow me to play. You can follow #spotthatstory if you just want to know when the new games are on!


For anyone not on Instagram, I can’t post the video here of the screenshots, but if anyone wants to play, here is a collage of the latest game. How many stories can you recognise?? Hint: these are all reveal stories.

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I’m not sure about any of these but the one about the implemtation looks interesting!

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That story is called Blood Link. By ems.

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Lol, I forgot that I had posted this thread. I should have continued :see_no_evil: next time, I’ll post here again.

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