Spots not appearing when previewing

Hello As you see here Codes and everything is right but when I preview the scene Harold and Man are not shown only dancer is shown… I tried to change the @ to & but its the same!

You have to place the character first

What do you mean

U have to spot him first

Okay will try thanks

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Hey, @HAROLD changes into HAROLD1 is NOT the error, unless the outfit does NOT exist-in that case, you need to make it.

You can write something like:
@cut to zone 2

@zoom on 0 0 to 145% in 0

@HAROLD spot 0.618 -45 258 in zone 2 at layer 0
@HAROLD faces right
@MAN spot 0.475 1 317 in zone 2 at layer 1
@MAN faces right
@DANCER spot 1.280 270 0 in zone 2 at layer 2
@DANCER faces left

&HAROLD starts animation AND MAN starts animation AND DANCER starts animation

-animation is an action-ex. dance_cub_loop, talk_sit, etc.
Also, 1.280 270 0 is the spotting for screen right in zone 2 (which is where the dancer is standing according to your script)

And right under @pause for 20, remove @HAROLD stands screen left AND HAROLD faces right AND HAROLD is listen_phone_sigh
Instead, write:
@HAROLD starts listen_phone_sigh

P.S screen left for zone 2 in spot directing is spot 1.280 50 0 : )

Update: Tested it and the spots are a bit off :sweat_smile:

Try this instead:

@cut to zone 2

@zoom on 0 0 to 145% in 0

@HAROLD spot 0.618 -45 258 in zone 2 at layer 1
@HAROLD faces right
@MAN spot 0.475 1 317 in zone 2 at layer 0
@MAN faces right
@DANCER spot 0.641 70 217 in zone 2 at layer 2
@DANCER faces left

&HAROLD starts animation AND MAN starts animation AND DANCER starts animation

Try this and replace animation with the actions you want for them and please REMOVE @HAROLD stands screen center AND HAROLD faces right AND HAROLD is listen_phone_sigh! Get rid of that whole line and replace it with:
&HAROLD starts stand_up
@HAROLD is listen_phone_sigh