Squad: Avalar - Squad Contest R4R and promote your story!

Hello! This is my story :dizzy:
Title: Squad: Avalar
Author: Sara V
Description: Everyone believed it was a legend… Now, the kingdom has been devastated and the demon lord has returned.
The Fire Sarcophagus has been opened. Who will come to the aid of Avalar?
Genre: Fantasy, adventure
Style: Limelight
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4924662728556544

Instagram: @annika.episode
Follow me for sneek peeks and more!


i’m down to do r4r :star_struck:

Author name: Mistletoe
Style: Limelight
Genre: Adventure (and some fantasy later on)
Description: You enroll in Aequor Academy, thinking it would be a normal, boring summer. But when you come across a secret room, you discover there’s so much more to the academy than it seems.

  • customization
  • choose LI gender
  • mini-games
  • advanced directing
  • point system
  • choose body type


Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5895955347079168

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Great! Let’s send each other ss from our stories when we are done reading :blush:

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Yess I’d love a R4R :heart:
This is my story:

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Fantastic! Send me a screenshot when you’ve finished my story and I’ll do the same!

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And it’s really cool. You’re great!

Would you like to do a r4r? :dizzy:

Title: Squad: Mafia Descent: Price to Pay
Author: LeeLee.Epy
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6068985977962496

(New) Description: Mending Love.Sincere Trust.Reopen wounds & Legal businesses equal a ticket out for the Morenos & the Del Ciellos, but who’s ever escaped the Mafia…without a price to pay?

Genre: Action :Romance/Drama
Instagram: LeeLee.Epy https://www.instagram.com/leelee.epy/
Contains: Choices, Limited “character” Customization, Music & Sounds, Advanced Directing

Episodes: 3

Yes! Send me a ss when you have read my story!

Here’s my Squad entry. I’m almost caught up with my r4rs, so I’m open to do a few!


Story Card

Descritption A civilization overrun with darkness. A dragon heir, powerless and alone. The fate of the Winged Empire is in the hands of eight misfits…

… What can go wrong?

Sneak peeks pending on my website!

Hey, I would like to do an r4r for you. I already read your story so far and I did pm you about it but please pm me and let me know if you can do the same for me, thank you so much :blush: :relaxed: .

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just wondering are u only doing rfrs with contest stories?

No, I can do r4r with other stories!

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welll then i would love to do one with you! we can pm the ss for 3 chapters!

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