Squad Contest R4R + Promotion (under 100 reads?)

Hi everyone! I’ve been trying to garner reads for my squad entry: Evident and I believe I still need 100 reads by the end of this week to be considered. I’m worried that I won’t meet the number but I’m hoping that making this thread will help! If you’re like me and still need 100 reads, please do post your story below and we can support each other :smile: even if you have more or have a non-squad contest entry, please still feel free to post here! I only ask that if you want to do an R4R, to read mine first and send proof that you’ve read until the 3rd episode (to help with reader retention) because I’m still waiting to hear back from doing R4Rs last week :sweat_smile: but i promise to return the favor! thank you so much!

Title: Squad: Evident
Author: Piki
Genre: Drama/Mystery/Romance
Description: An unlikely team consisting of your detective best friend, neighborhood delinquent, and rivaling prosecutor form to unravel the evident truth of your father’s wrongful conviction.

Link to story: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5324137063317504
Instagram: @piki.episode https://www.instagram.com/piki.episode/

Here’s a “video trailer” below! contains some minor spoilers :")


Reading right now.

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Thank you so much!! :sob: :heart:

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Np hun, got you covered. :wink: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Squad: The Bridal Party
Genre: Comedy
Author: Jada
Description: College friends reunite to give Shae her dream wedding! Help this crazy group plan a marvelous wedding and follow them on their beautiful adventure.6MCs|1LI|ART SCENES|

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Let’s do a r4r :dizzy:

Title: Squad: Mafia Descent: Price to Pay
Author: LeeLee.Epy
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6068985977962496

(New) Description: Mending Love.Sincere Trust.Reopen wounds & Legal businesses equal a ticket out for the Morenos & the Del Ciellos, but who’s ever escaped the Mafia…without a price to pay?

Genre: Action :Romance/Drama
Instagram: LeeLee.Epy https://www.instagram.com/leelee.epy/
Contains: Choices, Limited “character” Customization, Music & Sounds, Advanced Directing

Episodes: 3

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Thanks so much for this! I’m getting so close to 100 reads, too. Here’s mine:
Squad: The Dragons Eight

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Complete! :heart: Loved it. @piki.episode

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Hey I’ll totally help you and read your story! I’ll make sure to post in a reply/tag you with screenshots when I have. I hope you reach your goal soon, and please check out my story below as well!

Title: Goodbye

Author: Phoebe Angaye (Instagram is phoebeangaye.writes)

Genre: Mystery/Fantasy

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6705415804092416

Style: Limelight

Features: Choices Matter, Point System, Diverse, and LBTGQ+ inclusive

Summary: You wake up in limbo, murdered. You must fix your broken soul before time runs out. Heaven and Hell begin to clash over your soul. Can you defend your loved ones, and your heart?

Episodes: 4 (and more to come!)

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About to read it! :revolving_hearts:

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I’ll give these stories a read and I will PM the screenshots.

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lana :pleading_face: i will keep saying it but thank you so much :cupid:

Wow thank you so much! Yes I’d love to read your story as well-- dang the plot looks really good + intense! :open_mouth: looking forward to it hehe :heart:

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Thank you so much :pleading_face: I saw your fanmail as well I appreciate it lots :sparkling_heart:

I’ve read up to the latest chapter! Please also give my story a try, at least till episode 3 it does contain no CC but that’s because it’s a prequel. I hope you give my story a try :heart:

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Thank you soso much for reading through!! :pleading_face: :sparkling_heart: no worries, no CC doesn’t bother me! I’ll add your story to my reading list and try to read it as soon as possible :cupid: will send a screenshot!

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Thank you so much, it means a lot :hugs:! I hope your story gets recognized! :heart:

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Hey. I would love to do a r4r with you :wave::blush::butterfly::
Story Title: Squad: The Gavinville Paranormal Team
Episode App Synopsis: In Gavinville, monsters attempt to plague the city with its enhanced evil, and it is up to four squad heroes Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop them. But will they?
Full Synopsis:
In a town called Gavinville, monsters are known to plague the city with its evil and are up to no good, so it’s up to a squad team of heroes, Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop the monsters from wrecking havoc in the city. But will they stop it in time? CC, Customize your squad, CC Name customization for two squad members,
Genre: Action, Horror, a bit of suspense, Comedy, etc.
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5755059564773376

  • Most choices do matter
  • Point System
  • Love Interests for Every Squad Member including Morgana
  • Mini games and tappable mini-games, etc.
  • There are some LGBTQ+ characters in this story, including my character Morgana the witch, a character who is a former bisexual, and more. I will be also adding some more as the story progresses :rainbow_flag:
  • A Photoshoot at the end of chapter 3 for all of your squad members :grin::slightly_smiling_face::framed_picture::camera_flash:


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Thank you for this!
Story: Squad: 3 Wishes
Genre: Comedy
Description: After accidentally summoning a Genie, Kassie and her friends must be granted three wishes in order for the Genie to return to where she came from. Only she doesn’t want to return.
Squad_3_Wishes_posterThumb_YqHlYNCt9w (1)


-Short story.
-Limited customisation for Kassie (the MC.)
-Hair and lipstick and outfit choices.
-Advanced directing.
-Sounds and music.


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Mine is called Squad: Back to Kansas

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