Squad: Unseen Media R4R Thread (Closed Until Finished With Stories On List)

I released episode four a few weeks back :relieved:

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Alright, releasing my story today, going to send the link, but read AFTER the deadline, which is today.

  1. @Emma_episode_03
  2. @ihicks01
  3. @KandieCane1
  4. @Farah_DeSantis
  5. @mistye
  6. @tyratuna
  7. @Episode.Cameronwrite
  8. @GoldenWaves

Here’s the link!


Hey Lana :heart:

This is my link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5729169976786944


Story has mini games, important choices, points, cc. No romance at this point :heart:


just few hours and I am on it.:wink:

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Couple more minutes then I’ll start reading!

I love the cover!

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Reading stories NOW.

Reading your story now.

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That’s great!
I finished yours in the meantime. Your story is amazing, I like the MC, not all the time you read about a more introvert. Well done!

Here are my ss

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I finished yours😊

It was different from a lot of other stories. I like that Jaquan is an introvert too.

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hi, i dropped out of the comp because i felt that the comp was forcing my chapters to be rushed. but i will read it tho!

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Squad: The Bridal Party

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5909119228903424

I just followed you on Instagram(@jada_writes)

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3 episodes complete! Really enjoyed it. :heart:

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Hey! I finished your story :grin:

Your story is really great! I love how it includes the culture of the Bahamas


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I would like to do a R4R but can we PM eachother screenshots instead of on this thread?

Title: Squad: Masterminds

Author: Treas H

Genre: Thriller

Style: Limelight

Description: After someone starts digging into the death of their friend five years ago, Four former friends are forced to reunite and race to cover their tracks. But in their effort to put out the fire, will they actually fuel the flames.

Episodes: 4 (Ongoing)

Instagram: @treash.stories

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5637503643222016

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Hey, I’d like to do a r4r with you :relaxed:

Here’s my story info:
Title: Squad: Game of Life
Author: Sapphire
Genre: Thriller
Style: Limelight
Description: An accident beginning your freshman year of high school leads to a dangerous game you call the “Game of Life”. But when it goes too far, will you be able to keep the secret?
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6408226884222976


And I already read yours :smile:


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Hey, Lana, I would love to do a 3x3 R4R with you :blush: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Story Title: Squad: The Gavinville Paranormal Team
Episode App Synopsis: In Gavinville, monsters attempt to plague the city with its enhanced evil, and it is up to four squad heroes Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop them. But will they?
Full Synopsis:
In a town called Gavinville, monsters are known to plague the city with its evil and are up to no good, so it’s up to a squad team of heroes, Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop the monsters from wrecking havoc in the city. But will they stop it in time? CC, Customize your squad, CC Name customization for two squad members,
Genre: Action, Horror, a bit of suspense, Comedy, etc.
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5755059564773376

  • Most choices do matter
  • Point System
  • Love Interests for Every Squad Member including Morgana
  • Mini games and tappable mini-games, etc.
  • There are some LGBTQ+ characters in this story, including my character Morgana the witch, a character who is a former bisexual, and more. I will be also adding some more as the story progresses :rainbow_flag:
  • A Photoshoot at the end of chapter 3 for all of your squad members :grin::slightly_smiling_face::framed_picture::camera_flash:

IG: @twes2363.episode. You can send me screenshots of my story and tag me or if you want to DM there as well there and thank you so much for this thread :blush::relaxed:

UPDATE: I just read your story and it is very great :+1:t4: :blush::slight_smile:


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