Starco Art Shop! :chef: (NEW AND CLOSED!)

Request Accepted!

- questions
  • what color did you have in mind for the title text ?
  • do you want Elijah winking at nova specifically?
  • and do you want nova looking behind her/over her at Elijah with a worried expression?

i’ll be willing to give it a try ! do you want a background included in the art scene? or just the character(s) ?

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i would like the text white and yes i would like him winking at her specifically
annnd i think her looking over her sholder if you can would be great

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Just the characters, it can be any sunset background or beachy i can send it to you, but I want a close up so the background doesnt matter as much

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okay sounds great ! it should be done within a week ! :))

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okay ! yea you can just send me the background that you want, i could blur out the background if you wanted ?


ok great

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That sounds Perfect!!.

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you can fill this out form out for the splash ! :two_hearts:

- "splash form

Password ? (blur out) -
How big should the splash be ? (ex. 860x680) -
INK/LL ? -
How many characters ? -
What are there genders ? -
Character/s Details ? -
Character/s Outfit/s ? -
Character/s Pose/s ? -
Reference picture(s) (for there poses) ? -
Background ? (for the splash) -
Anything else you would like to add for your character/s? (extra details, freckles, notch eyebrow, etc) ? -
Deadline ? (be reasonable) -

The intro is what I mean haha :sweat_smile:

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ohhh okay, yea i can do that ! would you still want like the title and stuff, or no text and just the art itself?

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Uhmmm which do you think would look “cooler”

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well one thing that i see a lot of people do, (and something that i had done for my story as well) is where people include the title of the story, and they save each words of the title separately and have them fade in slowly

- example for my story (NOT ANYONE ELSE'S DO NOT STEAL!!!

contiuned be to

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but instead of the ‘to be continued words’ that could be each word of ur title !

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ngl that sound like a lot of coding and your girl is tooo lazy to do that.
But I mean I could give it a go?

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like idek know how to do it, im guessing you just put them in as overlays and move them were you want it? theres prolly an easy code like ‘have OVERLAY SOMETHING fade in in 1 beat’ LMAOOIFHSKJF

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Waiiitttt could you just make the intro art??

im bad at using overlays :clown_face:

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yea i can ! so i would draw what you wanted, and then i could include the title to or no title ? if you haven’t decided yet i could give an suggestion !

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Ehhh could you give me a suggestion :pleading_face:

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yea i can ! i think that it would look cool if i included the title, but its ur choice ofc <33

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