Stories that you think are overrated

I’m gonna share another unpopular (maybe?) opinion. I think most of the players are Americans, and probably white (due to POC-white overall ratio seems logical). So Episode just targets the main part of the players.


I think the last time I looked up the demographics, it was quite interesting. Almost a third of readers came from the UK and almost half identified as LGBT. I think it was an almost 50/50 split between white and POC


wow. this is kinda unexpected

where do u find it?

I can’t quite remember. All I remember is I used it to school someone who claimed that there aren’t enough POC for us to be relevant. I compared it with the number of POC non-CC MCs in featured stories, which was substantially lower as a percentage


Non-story specific (although the stories I mentioned feature them), but white chicks with Full Round lips and Upturned Feline eyes, with Elven noses. Newsflash: we white chicks have BARELY any Full Round lips to be seen! I have seen ONE white girl in real life with lips that could be classified as Full Round. Also, I understand Upturned Feline is makeup or whatever, but SO MANY white girls have them in stories, it drives me insane.


Another overrated thing is when stories say “what happens when…?” in their summary. I DON’T KNOW. THAT’S WHAT I WAS GONNA READ TO FIND OUT! But if you can’t be more inventive in your summaries, I think I’ll stick to not knowing.

You rarely see successful books that say that on the blurb. It makes even the most interesting, unique story seem generic. “What happens when you’re in love and the boat you’re on sinks?” “What happens when you have to fight to the death as part of a game?”


If you think about it, it’s not surprising. POC (not political correctness bruh) are still everywhere. But we are underrepresented in everything. We are ignored and put to the side - we’re an afterthought. This leads you to think there aren’t many POC on platforms like Episode.


There’s no hard feelings on my end. I’m just glad this misunderstanding is cleared up now. :purple_heart:


Yeah, I was confused by that, cuz didn’t understand the hate :smiley:

To be fair, I think we should create a guide for all our acronyms



What’s with the wow? I find it stupid that people use POC as an umbrella term to exclude white people when it also count as a skin colour.

Yay, an overrated story ranting thread!

Warning: Lost of ranting, brutal honesty, sarcasm and strong opinion ahead.

Some story titles I’m personally sick and tired of constantly seeing and hearing (AKA stories I simply don’t get all the overly exaggerated hype) about:

  1. Chain Reaction & It’s just an Illusion series
    Bruh, if I see any hyped fangirls one more time- I’m not saying MJ isn’t a good author, just that the series are rather generic (AKA I don’t get what on Earth hardcore fans find so intriguing in them).

  2. Pregnant by My Student
    Hate to be that person who “jokes” about cancer, but cancer. Well, at least you can choose whether to keep or abort, which is a first.

  3. The Teacher
    Another much predictable, generic plot. The pretty art scenes don’t make up for me here.

  4. The New Girl
    Saige is great at what she does and her characters are often hilarious, but the general plot is nothing special. Pretty draggy and way overdue as well.

  5. Complicated
    I don’t even want to finish the final chapters because the ending is too damn obvious and overused. Hell, the entire story is obvious and overused. Thank you, next.

  6. Rebounding With Bad
    The title is misleading, because 1) this doesn’t look like a rebound and 2) what’s so “bad” about the LI? Besides that point, I can’t seem to find anything intriguing within this story either.

  7. Body Tangle
    Gave up reading this one. The draggy back and forth feelings/no-feelings between the MC and LI have tired the absolute shit out of me at this point. 30+ chapters in and they’re literally still at the exact same point as they were in the first one. In addition, the MC is a whiny, immature lil’ bih and I truly don’t get how anyone has any energy left after putting up with her character for this long.

  8. Becoming Queen Bee
    I personally feel the author tried too hard to add comedy in here, which didn’t end up being funny. The plot dragged on and on and on.

  9. Babysitting the Bad Boy
    I swear, this title itself pisses me off. I could only stand to read the very few beginning chapters of it.

  10. Provocative
    No. Nope. Nuh uh.

  11. Tangled Love
    I’ve predicted the ending from the very beginning of the first chapter. Generic plot throughout PLUS expensive ass gem choices. Bitch, I’m broke anyway.

  12. Each and every Sandra G. story
    It’s like every cliché found within the same writer. I get why Episode features her this much.

  13. Each and every Earl Grey story
    Okay, maybe apart from just one story which I hadn’t noticed before writing this. Still, as for the rest… not my cup of tea.

  14. Each and every Andrianne Roxi story
    No offence, but cringe. Had to make a quick exit before losing my last brain cell due to taking a chance with her stories.

Story plots I’m personally sick and tired of seeing and hearing about (AKA all the plots which cost me more brain cells than I can count):

  1. Pregnancy

  2. Pregnancy

  3. More pregnancy
    YaY bAbIeS !1!!1
    Make. It. Fuckin’. Stop.

  4. Gang/Mafia romance

  5. Roommate romance

  6. Step-sibling romance

  7. Freaking romance in general at this point
    Because why the in the flying fuck does everything solely revolve around romance?!

  8. My BaD bOy GaNgStA bAbY dAdDy
    Just stop already, please.

  9. WoRlDs CoLlIdE
    Typically including a naive, “innocent” MC and a “mysterious” bad boy gang leader with a dark past and an unhealthy possessive (AKA absolute psycho/control freak) attitude.

  10. OhHh No I’m 16 & PrEgNaNt & I dOn’T eVeN kNoW wHo ThE bAbY dAdDy Is Or HoW i’M gOiNg To TeLl AnYoNe, BuT i’M sUrElY kEePiNg ThIs GrOwInG mIrAcLe InSiDe My WoMb BeCaUsE aBoRtIoN = mUrDeR & i CaN’t Be A sElFiSh MoNsTeR, i’M oLd EnOuGh To HaNdLe ThIs On My OwN !!1!11!
    I can’t stand this because it’s absolute bullshit on every level and 'cause I freaking hate kids lol.

  11. They got married, had 10 kids, and lived happily ever after.
    Wait, are you saying 10 kids ain’t enough?!
    Regardless of the story genre or plot. Every. Goddamn. Bloody. Ending. Ever.

  12. Draggy, repetitive back and forth relationship drama, which goes like this…

  • Girl secretly likes Boy.
    • AKA the beginning of an amazing, unique, realistic love story.
  • Girl sees Boy hanging out with another girl.
    • Oh nooo! How dare he?!
  • Girl feels like it’s the end of the world for her.
    • My poor baby!!!
  • Girl becomes an emotional wreck.
    • On a serious note, you can’t get any more damn dramatic or weak than this if you ask me.
  • Girl starts playing a revenge game using another boy who actually likes her to get back at Boy.
    • Grabs popcorn
      Because that’s how things are handled maturely!
  • Boy sees this and gets pissed off.
    • Hehe… oops?
  • Boy attacks the other boy.
    • 'Cause he a jealous shit who don’t admit it for the sake of his manly ego.
  • Girl accuses Boy of being violent.
    • But still falls asleep thinking about how “hot” violence makes him.
      Because zaddy so sexy when he gorilla mad! Drools
  • Boy acts all holier-than-thou.
    • Because he be hotter than hell, he’s always forgiven.
  • Girl and Boy have sex.
    • Here we go! Cries
  • Girl and Boy finally confess their feelings towards each other.
    • AwWwWw !1!
  • Girl catches Boy talking to another girl.
    • Dramatic gasp
  • Girl gets impulsive and accuses him of cheating.
    • Yeah, you man slut!!!
  • Boy tries to apologise and explain the situation.
    • Oh…
  • Girl doesn’t believe him.
    • Yet she still “loves” him more than ever.
  • Boy convinces Girl she’s the only one for him.
    • HoW cUtE !!1 Cries x2
  • Girl and Boy have make-up sex.
    • …and start planning their life ahead with marriage and at least 8 kids.
  • Repeat.
    • 2, 3, 4, 20 times?
      Doesn’t matter, just make sure it goes on for 40+ chapters at least.
Episode’s “original” featured stories I’m not going to waste a word on here because I’ve already lost too many brain cells just coming this far.

My other issues:

  1. Pregnancy everywhere. Every. Damn. Time. (99.9% of time unwanted.)
    Because God forbid being sufficiently educated on the topic of contraception and its correct usage or abortion and adoption being legal, discussion-worthy alternatives.
    NoO, tHiS iS mUrDeR !!1!1!

  2. Obsession with having a whole freaking classroom of children.
    Because God forbid just 1 or 2 are ever enough if you already need to have them.

  3. Single life is not an option.
    Because God forbid leading a decent, successful life on your own!

  4. Child-free life is not an option.
    Because God forbid anyone never wanting to have their own kids, biological or adopted, and/or passionately disliking them in general.
    SaY wHaT ?!? tHaT’s So SeLfIsH & iNhUmAnE !1!!1!

  5. SeX eVeRyWhErE!
    Because God forbid the existence of asexuality and sex-repulsion!

  6. RoMaNcE tHiS, rOmAnCe ThAt!
    Because God forbid the existence of aromanticism and romance-repulsion!

  7. Stereotypical gay characters, especially males.
    Because God forbid them being actual human beings with a personality, feelings, goals and dreams alongside their sexual orientation just like everybody else!

  8. Poor and potentially dangerous interpretation of love and relationships.
    Because God forbid real love being a unit of compassion, communication and emotional connection between two equal human beings without intertwining with their physical connection or it being presented as unhealthy, abusive obsession/possessiveness!

  9. The term “diversity” revolving majorly around the exterior, typically race, culture and ethnicity.
    Because God forbid “diversity” marking difference in any aspect; mental health & state, learning difficulties, genetic conditions, sexual orientation, nationalities, interests, beliefs, preferences, views, skills…

I’m certain I could find plenty more things to list, but since this post itself is already a whole paragraph, I’ll end it here. Also, please note that this post is not meant to offend anyone who may think differently. These are merely my opinions.

If you came all the way down, props to you for reading this ranting session.

I couldn’t have said this better myself. It’s always the generic genres they always put on Episode. Like where’s the appreciation for other genres like mystery, horror and thriller. All the romance thing is getting boring af!!


I’ve even noticed that there are not many stories that a couple chooses to be childless though I do remember a story called Thriller: Honey I’m Home had the options to let your characters have kids, pets or nothing.

POC includes us minorities of color. What do we need to include you in for? And how are we excluding you out when you literally have your own terms: Caucasian, white, non-POC. White is seen as purity and divinity. You are above us in society and you are seen as superior. Why do you feel that you need to be included in everything? We have stuff taken from us constantly and yet here I see you wanted to be included in a term meant for us people.


Well white counts as skin colour therefore I find it stupid that this whole POC excludes them. I don’t get why you think they’re superior when they’re also being victimised by everyone that isn’t white. That’s being racist my friend.

That’s not racist, she’s simply educating you on the term people of color.


But still, I’m not falling for this political correctness