Stories we're sick and tired of seeing in the trending and featured section

Why is it that characters never have condoms or other forms of birth control but they always have pregnancy tests ready to use the day after they have sex? It’s like you’re trying to get pregnant.


That’s so true… I have a 10 year old student… in my session and she and her same age friends are already talking about “Ooo how a boyfriend should hold like this…”

Another time when I was having lunch with my friend, 3 14 year olds were sitting beside us talking like they were the girls from Gossip Girls!

“Don’t worry, I don’t like him already. It’s ok.” But the way she said it…she’s definitely the one controlling the group…the other girl just nodded in agreement believing her…hhh kids…


Yeah, I hate the MC I’m not trying to be rude but like… can she not be all over food and stuff… it gets annoying. LOL.


The whole romance section in general tbh. The only stories and authors I like are Cher (Rising Star) Regina (Rockstar Next Door) (i know, i like a lot of fame books) and Attracted to the nerd, as it’s diverse, I’m a boy, a gay guy, and like yuckkkkkkkkk I haven’t found one singular good gay boy book, so i’m stuck being a fucking girl.


Geez, there are like no male x male books, but there are some… like legit there isn’t enough.

Episode needs to make a gay book for once.


Your totally right!


And, like seriously they should have a no customization lgbtq story, without names and stuff. Just a regular story?? Also they have to make a trans story or something… just JEEZ, the only lgbtq non customization stories are from the community.


Your so fucking right


Mafia/Pregnant by the blank/ Teacher Student relationship/ In Love with blank’s dad/brother/boyfriend/ Falling for blank stories
Sugar baby stories
Nerd to Thot stories
Cheating stories
Stories that sexualize and glorify abuse, rape, drug abuse, suicide, murder, kidnapping
Stories where the MC has little to no backbone
Mean girl hates new girl because she looked at the mean girl’s on again off again boy toy
Instantly famous/rich/princess/powerful witch/wizard stories
Arranged marriage stories
Stories were choices don’t matter
Stories that try to copy already existing stories like Twilight, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson


Since we’re talking about cliches I have to say that I’m absolutely sick of the mafia stories now! :weary::roll_eyes:

And I have to say that I’m so over anything that has the word, Mafia in the titles. Falling for the Mafia, In love with the Mafia Bad Boy, The Mafia Kingpin and I, lol :laughing: I’m so over it all.

Just about all these stories seem the same. A young woman walks into a bar or a club and gets hit on by some jerk then the LI steps in to save her and then they flirt with each other and leave together and then they head out to the alley where she witnesses him shooting somebody and then he takes her hostage cause she’s a witness :joy:

Now I don’t think all mafia stories are cliche but I just wish there were more stories on the app that are unique in terms of their plot.


In Faking Death, two (out of, like 6. Yes 'm serious) of the love interests were crushing/in love with the MC before the makeover. I wish that more authors did this (not all the love interests. Just the falling in love PREmakeover)


PSA: I’m not bashing a story, I’m just using it as an example.
I have a long list of things that I’m sick of in trending/featured stories, but the main one is confusing plots.
For example in a story I read, it started with a clear storyline. Girl loses husband, then turns into the girl-falls-for-gang-leader trope. Fine, it seemed well-written so I gave it a shot. Blah blah blah, gang dude and MC start to like-like each other I guess? Still not sure about that one. Anyway, I’m not sure when it started happening, but we were given more storylines from the friends of the MC and LI (that’s fine and all, kind of a lot, though) and then the author gave their relatives a story (Sure! Our siblings and parents have lives, too), and then they added cousins, and exes, and friends’ exes, and it just became super overwhelming. Then, the LI isn’t the LI anymore because the girl he’s actually in love with had his kids and not her abusive husband’s kids (?), and the MC’s dead husband isn’t dead anymore and I haven’t read the story in a while because the amount of stories and plot twists in every. single. story. is stressing me out. I legit can’t name a single character in that story anymore, and honestly, props to you if you can. That’s my rant.

TL;DR, when you write a story, stick with the story line, and eep the amount of perspectives to 1 or 2 (maybe 3), after that it just gets stressful


For that, I recommend Episode’s Worst Story. It pretty much makes fun of all the Episode tropes (Mafia Leader, bad boy, pregnant, Oop wait I’m not pregnant just, the twilight copycats)

I know which story you’re talking about, and honestly everything you mentioned and more angered me. I believe there was one scene where the MC so called friends started hating on her for not wanting to date a member of gang, and I agree from there it got really confusing so I stopped reading completely. I think it was a spin-off of a spin-off so maybe the original is less hectic.

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Hey! If you’re looking for a gay book I recommend Soulless by Lisa.P or Thin Line (highly recommend it) by Eysenck. These took me a long time to find (there are others, but I didn’t enjoy the plot and or dialogue) and they really are worth a shot!

This can be applied to SOOOO many characters in Episode stories. Not just the bad boys. Also the “mean girl who is mean simply for the sake of having someone talk sh!t to the MC and make her feel bad”. There’s no depth, no reason. Just she’s a b!tch. lol


I hate stories where the poor/indebt MC is forced into marrying a CEO/Mob Boss/Prince stories. Why can’t the MC just work hard or accept that their business is failing and work to find a way to fix these financial problems without giving up their free will and being forced into a relationship with a CEO who sleeps with any pretty face with legs or a dangerous criminal.


Bravo :clap:

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Tbh, I don’t really mind cliche story lines (in fact, I love them) BUT only if they’re done right. Most of the stories that I’ve read on the trending page don’t even have a good character development (mostly about the ‘bad guy’ as the main love interest) and why I should be rooting for him to get together with the MC. Some stories also never delve more into the romantic aspects of their relationship like when did they truly begin to fall for each other etc.

It’s usually just ‘oh he/she is so hot’ and then BAM! ‘I think I’ve fallen in love with him/her and I want to make babies!!’ There’s no relationship progress, no character development, no nothing.

Another thing is… why put a CC when there’s a limit on how we can create our characters? I really don’t mind if you don’t put CC and just stick with what your original characters were supposed to look like anyway. It just defeats the whole purpose.