Stories with POC protagonists?

My story does, maybe you’ll be interested in it!

Title: Deadly game
Description: Your life takes a dark turn when you get chosen by a killer to play his deadly game. Will you be able to solve the case, Detective? One thing is certain: chaos is closing in.
Genre: Mystery


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Thanks love :two_hearts:

@SilkBow My story Clue: The devil is in the details, has a male MC who’s a POC.

Some self promo but my story’s MC is Latina and the rest of my cast that really matter are ethnically diverse as well.
Author name:Cole
Currently 4 episodes (more coming)

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ayy thanks for recommending my story!

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Oh gosh! You checked it out! :scream:

Thank you so much for your feedback! You’re right about Jess’s power being unclear at the moment since the truth will come out at the very last episode… :smirk::heartpulse:

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Hi, my story is about a group of people all have their importance in the story and all are main characters. The MC reader playes as is fully customizable - so her race and skin color is not given and can be adjusted to readers liking.
There are 2 black members of the gorup and one who in native inuit.

Squad: Caveman
Author: Farah DeSantis
Genre: Adventure
Style: Limelight

IG: @miss_desantis_
Description: You got trapped with a group of scientists in a cave under the Greenland glacier. Will you survive and discover the truth about the myth of a lost underground tribe?



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Here’s my story with a poc mc, plus I think my story pretty diverse too!



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