Story about the show Glee

Someone should do a Glee story. If you don’t know what the show is, you should check it out on Netflix. Please you won’t be disappointed! V1_UY268_CR0%2C0%2C182%2C268_AL

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Wha do you mean do a story about glee?

That would be copyright and the story would be taken down.


Have you heard of the show before?

It doesn’t have to be with the same characters just similar to it

That still isn’t allowed.

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It can be something similar to the show, like a glee club. But with made up characters.

Hmm. Once again, it still wouldn’t be allowed.

Someone could write a story about kids in a signing group or something… That don’t share the same plot points as Glee.

But in your original post you stated ^ which once again not allowed.

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Sorry i should been more clear, it can be just about a glee club nothing to do with the show.

I would suggest if you decide to make a story about kids in a singing group, you shouldn’t use the name Glee club. Instead, go for another name.

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I wouldn’t be able to, i’m using my phone. How about choir?

At my school, we have a club similar to a glee club, but it’s called a show choir. Maybe use that to avoid copyright issues

Yeah do you make stories?

You can call the club a glee club. That’s a completely normal and common name for this type of club. I just wouldn’t use the word “Glee” in the story title.

It’s not like no one can ever tell a story about high school football again because Friday Night Lights exists, or if they did they can’t ever use the word “Friday” in the story. Similarly, the concept of a high school glee club is not Ryan Murphy’s intellectual property.

So if you are telling a different story about different characters, and it just happens to be a comedy about a glee club, that’s fine. “Glee” can’t take away the fact that these clubs are a very real high school experience for many people which they have a right to tell stories about.

Anyhow, maybe you should give writing a glee club story a try if it’s something you’re interested in.


I don’t make stories about that, if that’s what your asking, but yes, I am a writer.

I agree. You can have a glee club in your story and you can call the club by that name. :woman_shrugging: just have a different story plot.

Although I probably wouldn’t read a story where I have to read tons of lyrics.

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If i was good at that i would but, when it comes to writing that my biggest weakness. Never been good at that sadly!

Na putting the whole lyrics would be too much lol

And not allowed. Haha

Yeah that too lol