Story Choice System Thread


So I just had an idea for my story in process. I thought about it and decided to share it to inspire other non-featured writers and get feedback.

Let’s say you write a story with different character points. (For more on character points, you can visit this post.) We’ll establish here that you write a romance story with three love interests. The three of them are Aiden, Mark and Josh.

Let’s say at some point you put a choice in your story that’s locked if you don’t have enough Josh points, that’s where my idea comes in. Now that gems choices are out for everyone, I just thought about this system. (For more gem choices, you can visit this post.)

So, you come to the point where your character either has enough Josh points or not. Here’s a label that explains my system idea:

if (JOSH = 5){
goto josh_choice
} elif (JOSH > 5){
goto josh_choice
} else {
goto josh_choice_gem

label josh_choice

JOSH (talk_neutral)
So, what do you say?

choice (josh_choice)
“Yeah, of course!”{

}“No, sorry.”{


label josh_choice_gem

JOSH (talk_neutral)
So, what do you say?

choice (josh_choice_gem)
“Yeah, of course!”{

}“No, sorry.”{


The goal of that system is that the reader can still make the choice even if he doesn’t have enough character points by using gems! Reply what you think about this system!


Nice idea

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This is a really cool idea! :two_hearts:

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I’d say that this idea is not entirely new but it’s definitely a nice touch! After all, nothing is really new, right? :wink:

Also, I am personally also a big fan of branching and point system, so I totally support you on that!


Topic closed due to one month of inactivity.