Story pet peeves

I’m curious!What are y’all pet peeves regarding episode stories? My biggest ones are probably when authors forget to add a full stop at the end of the sentences and of course when at the 2-3 final episodes the MC finds out she is pregnant.

EDIT: Also bad grammar. I understand that someone may not be really good at English but unfortunately I personally cannot read a story which has many grammatical mistakes. Oh and it also kind of bothers me when they use the characters Episode gives you for background people or a character that appears only in one scene. I know those characters are there to help authors but it gets tiring seeing the same 3 people in every story. I’ve also noticed that they tend to always use the black girl with the dreads and the white shirt and it just makes me feel that they just throw her in there for “diversity” and they are too lazy to create a diverse character on their own.

Oh and a big turn off is when the characters behave like robots and do not have a personality of their own.


texting lingo in stories

“Btw I love that dress”
“Omg thx”
“Oc love u”


Probably plot twists on the last chapter that adds no relevance, or when there is no moral/ lesson learned or the character doesn’t develop in any way… that’s what makes a story, people!


Gem choices , just… the worst kind of microtrasaction


When stories have WAY too much narration or when there is unnecessary scenes and small talk.


yep, exactly xD


when people say sorry for the story is bad. uhm if its bad why did you published it. maybe you should use more time to make it better and published it then,

  • Ink characters obsessed with cupcakes
  • Unfaithful MCs that are made out to be faultless
  • Unecessary pauses due to the writer not knowing how to use ‘&’ or ‘AND’
  • Background characters standing around and doing nothing… blease… it’s not that hard to make them talk to each other or something…

  • Love interest is bad for being accidentally kissed by some girl but when the MC is juggling three dudes at a time, it’s a-ok.

  • WHEN THE LOVE INTEREST IS VIOLENT?? Okay, sorry, this bothers me so much. There’s a story I read that, while I love to read it, I absolutely hate the main characters. The love interest DEADASS punches his best friend in the nose, and the best friend is cool with it. I don’t know a single dude who would be okay with their best friend punching them out of anger.

  • Overprotective siblings. I don’t think it’s quirky or cute or heartwarming when an older brother tells his little sister that she’s ‘not allowed to date any boys.’

  • Bad writing of male characters. “Hey bro, wanna come over tonight? We could play some Call of Duty.” Bro. I don’t think most dudes talk like this, bro.

  • Toxic love interests. Self-explanatory, really. That ‘sweet,’ overprotective bad boy is really just a toxic POS that’s sending off a TON of red flags.


Literally most of these are in the romance section. Just, why?


When people don’t use the ‘&’ command to put characters in idle after they’ve finished talking, they just continue talking it look stuck.


Lmao is it bad that I laughed at this? :joy:


• Poor grammar. Instant turn off.
• No full stops. I can’t stand that.
• Using shortcuts in dialogue (hru, idk).
• Useless choices and dialogue.
• Gem choices.
• Characters obssessing over food (cupcakes, pizza, bagels). It just isn’t realistic.
• Useless pauses between dialogue.
• Not using “&” and “AND”.
• Toxic relationships and characters. (it’s okay if the story is about getting out of it, but saying that’s perfect relationship… just no…)
• First chapter being only CC.
• Constant use of capitalized letters.
• Blurry backgrounds.


bad grammar, awkward pauses, choppy dialogue, more than 2 love interest, cliche damsel in distress stories, leaving too many questions unanswered, complex ass histories/ stories that don’t make sense. :woozy_face::woozy_face:


when theres always a cliff hanger


Slutty characters being just slutty.
Bad boys just being brooding and gang leaders.
Nerd characters just being obsessed with classes or pc games.
Moms/dads who are okay with everything.
Mafia leaders being in their 20’s and being ultra hot/mentally stable/caring. (I mean c’mon have you ever watched the news? Most mafia leaders and members are like in their mid-fifties and very ugly, not to add mentally unstable.)

So what I’m saying is people are more complex than that… Writers should be able to make us see it.


Capital letters when non needed.

Sally walked to the Park Today, she Saw Todd.


You can thank 50 shades for that


I love feedback and personally have loads of pet peeves. I’d love to know what you guys hate about stories or find irritating :slight_smile:

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I have a pretty high tolerance to most things. I read quite a bit of new author stories so I tend to run into bad directing and grammar. As long as I get what the character is saying, I don’t mind. I do however have some things I find poking at my nerves more than others;

  • Introducing all your characters in the first episode. There really is no need for that and there are other ways to include this as the story progresses.
  • MC suddenly gets pregnant in a short amount of time.
  • Characters without personality. If they don’t show any kind of emotion or expression, I read them in a monotone type voice in my head and it runs the story for me.
  • If the story is the same cliche type as so many others. I don’t mind cliche but throw in some twists and turns that are not normally in the story.
  • Super bad directing. I’m talking about Lips not moving while talking, no animations and sliding everywhere instead of walking.