Story plot idea?

Hi so i saw this writing prompt and i was thinking of changing it a little and turning it into a story but I just want to know if you guys would find it interesting and would read it.
Everyone has a guardian angel except you. You have a guardian demon. He deals with things in a much more violent fashion, but much more effective.


I love writing prompt. and I remember that one. I think its sound pretty interesting. but it are not really about if its is a good idea. its can you make the story. because you can have the best idea ever and still make it suck. same way you can have a really stupid idea and make it work amazing. it’s about what you do with the idea.

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Thank you!

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It is a good idea!!

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thank you

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I think it’s a good idea

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That sounds interesting! It would be neat if he had a backstory, like maybe he used to be a guardian angel to a sweet little child in another life, but his heart hardened after something tragic happened to her so he traded his wings for horns.

Idk just throwing lame ideas out there :sweat_smile:

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That’s actually a really good idea! I did have an idea that the reason the mc has red eyes and has a guardian devil is because it’s a result of the government because they tried out a mind controlling technique on kids and that’s the result of it.

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