Story Progress Got Reset?

I was on episode 18 of a story and the story was glitching with being stuck on a black screen. Refreshed the app but it still got stuck so I uninstalled the app and reinstalled and my story progress got reset to episode 5? I submitted a ticket but got no helpful feedback at all. All they told me was how to replay a story?? But my ticket was about getting my story progress back? I sent two tickets and got the same answer back. I don’t know what to do. :c

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Have you replayed the story before? If so, did you check to see if maybe there’s a separate save that goes to the 18th episode?

If not you’ll probably have to go and read through it again.

Yeah I replayed it only one time but that’s because I forgot what happened and didn’t get back to the story. But I got interested in it again and replayed it. I also checked there isn’t a save for episode 18.

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Oh, then you may have to just read through it again.

Same me too. I have problem with this.