Story Questions: Do you like naming the main character?

Hey I was wondering if you find it necessary to name the main character! I have included cc for the main character but I’m not sure if I should add a customized name. What are your thoughts??


Meh it is ok…I do like naming the people but I love CC more so naming people I do not find a problem if we cannot do so. If a story has CC it makes me want to read it more although I get fed up when people say u can CC/Customize but later tell u that they have pictures and that so it would not match :woman_facepalming:t3::tired_face: also I don’t really like stories where u get points.

Also not a fan of writer asking what my own name is haha as can they see what we type or not? :grimacing::joy:


I honestly dont care at all, I never ever ever use my own name, because sometimes what the character does doesn’t match my opinions. And I like reading a story where the author chooses the name, because I love reading different stories with unique names. :))


No, not really. I never know what names to choose.
If there’s full CC, I usually just put my name. But other than that I prefer not to pick a name


I feel like it’s better if the author chooses the name because it’s their story it’s not me it’s like reading a book you are just going on that person’s adventure and life not yours !


i’m indifferent towards it. i’m not bothered either way :blob_sun:

I like naming my MC, but not having this option doesn’t turn me away from a story.

I prefer naming my MC :pleading_face:


I honestly don’t care :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


not really…


Depends on the story, really, but then again, I never use my real name so it doesn’t particularly matter to me but I do find that if I don’t read that story for a while and I come back to it, I always end up confused on who I am and what happened vs if I had named that character, I feel I remember more, :joy:


I personally do like naming the character,because I feel like i’m more of the character, but even I don’t get to, it’s totally fine. I never use my real name though, so it doesn’t matter too much, but I kind of like that I get to be a different person ya know?

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In my stories, I do give readers the option to name their character, and I do provide their default name.
I honestly dont mind on naming the character or not.
Unless your character is going to represent a certain ethnic group, or you are needing overlays on the characters name, then its understandable if you do not give the option for readers to name their character.


I don’t like naming the main character. I spend more time than I should thinking of names for them (cuz I never put my name down) then I end up regretting that name cuz someone else in the story has that name/doesn’t align with MC. I feel, in my opinion, that stories w/o picking a name has a better description for said character like much cuter/nicer nicknames instead of Babe or Baby or Sweetie or whatever. But if the story has naming the MC, I’ll still read it given the plot and grammar are good


Hey! I have CC in my story so at least I have that! And the author actually cannot see what you type, so don’t worry about that!:joy::two_hearts:

Yea that’s exactly why I don’t want to add it! Because some people may not agree with all the characters actions/beliefs! Thanks for the feedback!:smile:

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Well my story has cc but I’m not sure if I want to add the name🤔

Yea! I totally agree with this! But I was just curious because a lot of readers are picky you know and I don’t want to lose any readers for not adding this option!

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

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Your one of those readers that authors love! The ones that are not picky about cc and naming and just read a story cause it’s good!:two_hearts:

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