Story recommandations

Thank you so much :two_hearts:

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No problem :blush::yellow_heart:

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In case this interests you :slight_smile:

Title: The Key Holder
Author: Goji
Genre: Drama
Story Description: Max is living with guilt. Riley is living with anger. What will happen when fate brought them together? Will they be each other’s key holder?
Episodes: 16 (complete)
Style: Limelight

Story Cover:

Thank you!!

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Title: Eat Stake
Author: Sinead O’Neill

Story Description
Your destiny is to protect humanity from a malevolent being, who intends to populate the world with such evil. What happens though, when you fall for his hot but heartless son?
(cc, choices, adv directing, music/sound, mini-games)

Eat Stake link

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Hi there! This is my story.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Story: Follow the dream
Author: Chey_episodes
Genre: Romance/Drama
Style: LL
Episodes: 1-26 ( more coming soon)
Description: Jaylin is a famous model who follows her dreams in NY. What will happen when she starts her new job and the boss appears someone you know? LL 1LI
Instagram: chey_episode

The Best Stories Are Worth Sharing: Follow the dream (20 Out)

Checkout this story, on the Episode App! If you like it, support the story by passing it along!

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Here’s my story Blind To Blood. There are 27 episodes and it’s ongoing. It’s a mystery/ fantasy. :white_heart:

Claudia lives an ordinary life until she discovers that her new neighbor is a vampire. Will she survive once her world is turned upside down?

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Thank you for the story recommendation. I’ll read your story

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Thank you for the story recommendation

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I hope you enjoy. :heart:

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Here’s my story for anyone would like to read it , it’s my first !
I love feedback!
Story title Spectator
Author: Slug on episode app
Genre: Mystery
Description: Stolen from home at a bad time in your life , you’re thrown into a world with no one to trust where you must survive until you can find a way back home or DIE trying … [CC]
Episodes: 3
Style: Limelight
Instagram: (slugstories)

Hello everyone, Hope all are doing well! Here is my story info. Would appreciate it strongly if anyone would like to given it a read. Thank You!

EDITED: (NEW COVER IS NOW UPDATED IN THE APP, what you see is the old one!)
persuade by you cover

  • Title: Persuade By You
  • Genre: Romance (but has a mix of drama & mystery)
  • Episodes: 5 and ongoing
  • Story’s Description: As a lost soul, Giada Elmourne unintentionally intervenes with Brody’s classic expectations. Little do they know, what right and wrong the untold brought to unravel. *LL *CC
  • Link: