Story Reviews ✨



Awesome should be done soon!

thank you so much for willing to review my story soon!
I really having troubles with it :sweat:

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Totally fine and I will help you as much as I can

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Awesome. That’s good to know.


I submitted the form. I actually have 5 stories. You don’t have to read all of them, but any feedback on any of them would be great.

maybe not all but i will try to get to as many as possible! Sorry

It’s perfectly fine. I completely understand.

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thank you!

Hey, it’s Winter. I just published my newest story which I’m really proud of! :hugs: Please PM me my review.

Story Title: Soccer Moms: Blast to the Future
Author Name: Winter05 with Episode Royalty
Story Link:

Instagram: winter05.episode

I hope you enjoy it! :blush:

~ Winter05 :snowflake:

I’ll check it out!

Thanks! :heart:


Can you review my story?

Yes, have you filled out the form?

No, Its not shown on top though

Oh right I forgot haha. When it opens I will make sure to give you a spot.


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