Story with no LI ( or options to choose to be single)

I’m kinda sick of romance ,obviously with the huge amount of stories that involved romance, love😒 even the thriller section must involved romance o lord , i want some thrilling stories with twist, if i had wanted a love story i could’ve came to the drama or romance section instead of rolling through a tremendous amount of stories to find a horror story w/o romance
sorry for the bad english :pensive:


Seven friends by Swetlana

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It can definitely get very repetitive, so I feel you there.

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this sucks even more when all my favorite stories (with a little hint of romance) have like 4~8 chapters :cry:It’s takes the author forever to updates :sob::sob::sob:

I could recommend my story “Act of Vengeance”. It’s a thriller/drama and it’s set in the 1926’s in Berlin. It has one LI but it’s optional. You, as a reader, don’t have a disadvantage if you choose not to date him. The story has a point system and choices matter. :slight_smile:

And I have to admit that I don’t update often so it can take 1-2 months for 1 chapter because of university and work.


Businesswoman by @aliffoen


Thank you so much :pleading_face::heart:

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@lanafrazer_episode has a few

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A little self promotion: my story Woodness gives you the possibility to have no romance :heartbeat:


that’s awesome i think every story should have one althought it’s kinda difficult


Seeing romance in the thriller/horror sections is one of my biggest episode pet peeves :confounded:

Of course some thrillers/horrors do incorporate love stories and couples into the plot well, but I’m not talking about those stories.

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I do love romance stories so this doesn’t actually affect me but i definitely agree that romance is now in every genre, not just romance. It’s probably because there’s horror stories with romance and stuff like that but it must be really annoying if you’re trying to find a non-romance one :(.