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No problem!

Fix the second Noah dialogue box. It looks like all of the animations after the second Noah dialogue box have periods before and after the parentheses. See if that fixes the problem.

No, not really it was pretty confusing so I decided not to use the overlay. Thanks for asking tho :grinning:

The background is EXT. CAMPUS GARDEN - DAY and its panned to zone 3 the characters position is idle_sit_legs_up. Heres what she looks like with the blanket overlay I can’t get it more so under her so that she is sitting on it.

Is this what you mean?

@CHOLE spot 1.108 184 -66

@overlay 5563944707948544_BLANK shifts to -70 0
@overlay 5563944707948544_BLANK scales to 1.000 1.000

Oh wow, you did that so fast lol thanks. :grin:

Does anyone have a script or know how I can do mannequin dressing game? I hope I come to the right place.

I want the character to exit while running. how do I do that? I know you have to do:
@CHARACTER exits side
but then the character walks and I want it to run.

Here’s the script

@CHARACTER exits right/left AND CHARACTER is run_animation

You need to find run animation in the behaviour catalogue

Thank you, I found what I did wrong. I had:
@CHARACTER exits left AND CHARACTER does it while (behavior)
I found out you don’t need the () :roll_eyes:


Late answer, BUT…

Do you know what they mean by this?

Did you include create command?

This is in my script, is this the correct way to do it or is something else wrong?

The error code is showing that you spelled the overlay as POIPCORN. I’m guess there’s a spelling error in your script.

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I notised some Ink male characters have lady rose tattoo on both arms . how ?

Lady Rose Tattoo (Cade) you will find it in the clothing section (you need to add it to every outfit)

Have you check to make sure your cookies are off? Sometimes cookies can mess with the web portal.

Hi. I’m having a hard time trying to have the characters run as the background (EXT. FOREST LOOPING - NIGHT) is looping but the background is not looping at all and even the characters is not running as the background is looping. It basically staying in one position and repeatedly running but not literally moving at all. Here is my script… And is there a possible chance when you have a (NARRATOR dialogue ) while both characters and background are still looping, if so can you tell me how to do it…

@DUPLICATE LORETTA changes into All Black Scotland Shirt with Bottom and No Shoes
@DUPLICATE LORETTA changes hair into Messy Back Bun

@DUPLICATE ELEENA changes into All Black Scotland Shirt with Bottom and No Shoes
@DUPLICATE ELEENA changes hair into High Ponytail

@set hsl 0 -100 0 no_colorize with blendMode NORMAL to 100%

@DUPLICATE LORETTA spot 0.331 98 204 in zone 1 AND DUPLICATE LORETTA faces right AND DUPLICATE LORETTA starts run_athletic
@DUPLICATE ELEENA spot 0.333 72 203 in zone 1 AND DUPLICATE ELEENA faces right AND DUPLICATE ELEENA starts run_athletic

@zoom on 72 0 to 701% in 0


We ran.


We ran away from home towards the train track with our cold bare feet.


We ran away, trying to escaped from a place that was never our home.


We could hear him chasing after us, screaming our names followed by a two gunshots


— that it almost didn’t hit us but we didn’t dare turn around.


We both knew it was a warning but we couldn’t stop.


We knew what would happen if we did.


If we continued to stay there even longer than we already have


— more damage that we’ve already encounters from them will happen.


I knew we was damaged.


More especially me, I was damaged beyond repair but we couldn’t go back to them or to that house.


We had to run, run for our life through the woods.


We would either survive and live the life that were taken away from us or we would die out here without trying.


It was getting darker around 10:40pm as the fog seems impenetrable


— but there was no stopping to catch our breath nor to take a break.


Instead we continued to move our legs harder and faster on every steps we take


— as the sound of leaves crunching onto the hard pavement ground.


My vision begins to blurred as the the tears filled in my eyes as my mind starts to recollect on the painful thoughts of what they both have done to us