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Thank you so much, you saved me an awkward scene

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Writing my first story and I’m doing my first remembering choices scene, it keeps telling me there’s an error, “Choices must follow dialogue immediately, not a branch”
I’ve checked it over and over and I’m not seeing where I went wrong with this? Help?

If you’re using if/elif coding you don’t need a word choice beforehand, but please post your script :wink:

I have a little question

Yes? :grin:

pls help me I don’t know what I did wrong

answered here :slight_smile:

Anyway I'll get ready

@follow BELLA to screen center in zone 1

@BELLA walks to screen right in zone 3
@BELLA changes into BELLA_towel

@BELLA walks to screen right in zone 1

label choosing_outfit

    BELLA (think)
(What am I going to wear today?)

“Not even tying”{

@BELLA walks to screen center in zone 3

@BELLA changes into BELLA_not even trying

“To much for school”{

@BELLA walks to screen center in zone 3

@BELLA changes into BELLA_hot

“This is ok for school”{

@BELLA walks to screen center in zone 3

@BELLA changes into BELLA_this is ok for school


@BELLA walks to screen center in zone 1

@pause for a beat

@pause for a beat

    BELLA (talk_contend)
Do I want this or not?

“choose this outfit”{

Well i guess it is ok
I need to go before mom kills me i’m already late

“I hate this”{

goto choosing_outfit


@BELLA exits left

check your thread, I answered there :slight_smile:

now i’m seeing this

You need a space between BELLA and animation

BELLA (talk_handsonhips)

thanks a lot you’re a lifesaver

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I’m doing a dressing scene with gains, the thing is, it has choices within choices, so i ask the reader if they want the outfit, where i use the gain. the problem? it doesn’t show all the options at once if you press option 1, it say " i want this one" and “i dont like this” then it says “outfit 2” i want it to say all the outfits at once. I dont know if you get what im saying; heres my script

Avater Customization #{

label outfit_choice

    ANNA (idle)
(Which one should I choose)

“Outfit 1”{

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@zoom on 173 0 to 381% in 0

@ANNA changes into ANNA_casual

@zoom on 173 389 to 381% in 5

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3

@pause for a beat

    ANNA (idle_jawdrop)
(I'm going to need to keep this longer than expected)

(Do I like this one?)

“Gurll, this outfit rocks”{

    ANNA (admire)
It's definitely this one

gain ANNA_casual
“It’s not my style”{

    ANNA (talk_shrug)

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@ANNA changes into ANNA_default

goto outfit_choice

“Outfit 2”{

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@zoom on 173 0 to 381% in 0

@ANNA changes into ANNA_professional

@zoom on 173 389 to 381% in 5

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3

@pause for a beat

    ANNA (idle_jawdrop)
(Where did she get this)

(Do I like this one?)

“Gurll, this outfit rocks”{

    ANNA (admire)
It's definitely this one

gain ANNA_professional
“It’s not my style”{

    ANNA (talk_shrug)

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@ANNA changes into ANNA_default

goto outfit_choice

“Outfit 3”{

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@zoom on 173 0 to 381% in 0

@ANNA changes into ANNA_cozy

@zoom on 173 389 to 381% in 5

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3

@pause for a beat

    ANNA (idle_jawdrop)
(I have never looked this good)

(Do I like this one?)

“Gurll, this outfit rocks”{

    ANNA (admire)
It's definitely this one

gain ANNA_cozy
“It’s not my style”{

    ANNA (talk_shrug)

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@ANNA changes into ANNA_default

goto outfit_choice


It also says on line 932 (the line where it says outfit 3) that theres a { that does not have a matching

i hope it isnt too confusing

You forgot a few brackets

label outfit_choice

ANNA (idle)

(Which one should I choose)
“Outfit 1”{

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@zoom on 173 0 to 381% in 0

@ANNA changes into ANNA_casual

@zoom on 173 389 to 381% in 5

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3

@pause for a beat

ANNA (idle_jawdrop)

(I’m going to need to keep this longer than expected)


(Do I like this one?)
“Gurll, this outfit rocks”{

ANNA (admire)

It’s definitely this one
gain ANNA_casual
“It’s not my style”{

ANNA (talk_shrug)

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@ANNA changes into ANNA_default

goto outfit_choice

“Outfit 2”{

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@zoom on 173 0 to 381% in 0

@ANNA changes into ANNA_professional

@zoom on 173 389 to 381% in 5

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3

@pause for a beat

ANNA (idle_jawdrop)

(Where did she get this)


(Do I like this one?)
“Gurll, this outfit rocks”{

ANNA (admire)

It’s definitely this one
gain ANNA_professional
“It’s not my style”{

ANNA (talk_shrug)

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@ANNA changes into ANNA_default

goto outfit_choice

“Outfit 3”{

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@zoom on 173 0 to 381% in 0

@ANNA changes into ANNA_cozy

@zoom on 173 389 to 381% in 5

@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 3

@pause for a beat

ANNA (idle_jawdrop)

(I have never looked this good)


(Do I like this one?)
“Gurll, this outfit rocks”{

ANNA (admire)

It’s definitely this one
gain ANNA_cozy
“It’s not my style”{

ANNA (talk_shrug)

@ANNA is dustoff_loop

@ANNA changes into ANNA_default

goto outfit_choice


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OMG thank you, its my first time making choices within choices and doing gains, so i was really confused

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Check my linktree, I have a dressing game templates there :blush:

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thank you, i’ll totally check it out

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I’ve got a background as an overlay to loop, but am having trouble with coding as it shifts to the left then back to the right. Is there anyway at having the loop shift one direction and repeated?