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Goggle chrome works best with Preview

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Hey, so I’m on mobile and I really really want limelight… so i’ve been using safari to use limelight characters… it’s kinda annoying trying to go to episode to read stories then going to episode interactive to write them… is there any way I can possibly get limelight in the episode app? <3 Nikki

As of now, the only way to use Limelight characters is through the Writers Portal. I hope that can be updated so.

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AHHHHHH thank you!! I downloaded Google Chrome and it’s much easier. Your a life saver! :grin:

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How many max outfits can one character have? I have been wondering this for a long time.

Okay, this thread is great. Thank you for making it!
So, I’m new and I think I’ve got most of the script directing down. BUT the one thing that I don’t get is how to do the @CHARACTER walks to spot blah blah blah. How do you determine what numbers coordinate to which spot?? Can someone PLEASE explain how to use the spot director in the “directing helpers” in the preview area?

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

I don’t know if it would fix it but try putting sound off after the sound scary_swell ?

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If I were u, I will use the spot directing command because it works perfectly;)

the Spot directing one is simple to use actually, I learned it myself :joy:
can u screenshot it so I can explain it to u one by one? :sweat_smile:

I super appreciate you! I don’t get how to resize them either… if you know how would you explain that as well. This is my first story so I want it to be good! =)

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So, one u click the Directing Helper u will have those options (Device Helper, Zoom Helper, Spot Helper, Bubble Helper, Overlay Helper and so on) The spot helper can help u resizing or spotting the character.

When u press on the spot directing u will find some buttons

(will be continued right now)

please screenshot the spot helper when u click it

Ok another probably obvious answer…

I have two characters laying on a beach… how do i get them to stand up but more to the left of screen? Currently they stand to to right off screen then jump to where i want them…


Sorry, I thought I got it all in the last screenshot… lol
Thank you :slight_smile:

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that’s ok :slight_smile:

so, the first button is : Switch tool - Scale

1. Switch tool
a. Switch Tool - Move

Switch tool is where u can resize or spot ur character, Switch tool - Move is where u can move or spot ur character wherever u want them to be.

b. Switch Tool - Scale

Switch tool - scale is where u can resize ur character whether u want them to be small or big just adjust it by dragging the character like how u move them.

2. Change Char

The ‘Char’ word means Character (in case u didnt know).

for example u want to resize the other character in the scene, u press the change char button so the dotted line will move to the character u want to resize.

Done? Open me!

If there’s anything u dont understand, please let me know ~ :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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You have been so helpful! I’ve asked on other boards and no one took the time to answer me; let alone explain it as fully as you have. Thank you so much!:upside_down_face::raised_hands::black_heart:

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aww ofc! happy to help :heart:

Hey I have a question in regards to this… how do I keep them the same scale and run off screen to the right?

u should have a spot when the character is off-screen on the right

I currently have this

    CHARLOTTE (laugh_chuckle)
Race you there!

@CHARLOTTE is run_jog_offset AND CHARLOTTE spot 0.702 358 209

@MATTHEW faces right

@speechbubble is 214 214 to 70% with tail_top_left
MATTHEW (talk_call_out)
@MATTHEW is run_jog_offset AND MATTHEW spot 0.683 382 201
@remove MATTHEW

but they both just disappear and dont actually run haha