"Stupid" questions that never get answered? Get The Help Here!

I feel SUPER stupid but what are “sootballs” XD Someone was asking for it for cover art and I’m SUPER confused

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Thank you

Hi I have a thousand questions…
I’m currently writing my first story and right now I’m having trouble with gaining flags, the music, and I’m curious about how to add point commands.

So, my first question is how do I fix my flags? When I test out my story it all leads to the same outcome.

Ex: If the player chooses to forgive the male character they “gain get_help_escape” and if they chose to slap him they “gain dont_help_escape”. There’s a third choice where they don’t really gain anything.
And in the scene where I used the gain, I wrote it like:

if (get_help_escape){
goto help_escape
} elif (dont_help_escape){
goto escape_yourself
} else {
goto escape_yourself

And it’ll all end up to the same outcome. What’s also weird is that, at the moment of me fixing the error, it works but then the next day— while I’m testing it for the hundredth time— it’ll mess up, leading to the same outcomes again and I don’t understand what’s wrong.

My second question is how do I make the music volume fade. I know the code is “volume music 0 3000” but where exactly do I put that in a scene? The beginning, middle, end?

And finally my last question is about point commands. How does it work? I’ve seen the code but I don’t understand how it works. I’d like to use it in my story.

Sorry for all the questions at once lol!



(1) Is the gain in the same chapter as the if statement? If not, that would be why the program would grab the else statement. Overall, web previewer is not great for testing the if statements because you can’t go and play the place you get the gain.

(2) You put the fade where ever you want the sound to start fading. So if you want it to fade at the end, put the fade at the end.

(3) It’s hard to explain points. They are normally used to keep track of interactions for making future if statements. It’s used a lot in complicated branching. They work similar to gains, but they accumulate over time so you have to keep track of them.
So it could be used for tracking a characters relationship with another character. If the reader picks a certain interaction they gain a certain number of points towards that character. You can call upon those points in the future to determine how the character will act towards the character.

For example say TOBY =12.
if (TOBY > 10){
@MC is nice to TOBY
}elif (TOBY < 10){
@MC is mean to TOBY
So in this case MC would be nice to TOBY.


The gain is in the same chapter. And I test it out with the app on my phone. When I first fix it, the if statements work but for some reason, it’ll mess up and lead to the same outcome the next day. I don’t know if it’s a glitch in the app or something… And I don’t want to publish it and it’s still leading to the wrong outcome.

(Thank you for helping me out!)

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Try resetting the chapter progress (navigation option) before trying the code again with a different choice.


Ok thank you

So I wanna ask…
There’s a popup showing a message. Like in Pitch Perfect, it shows: Turn On Your Sound!
And in Started With A Lie (Cameron Dallas) it sometimes appears with Cameron’s picture.
How do you use that?

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readerMessage Now you can type your message.


Thank you ^^

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I’m new and I was wondering how to change my profile picture to one of the characters in my episode. I tried saving the image and uploading it, but the whole image wouldn’t fit, and it’s just showing the legs. Please help!!! :frowning:


Hi! I had the same problem. Just cut out the picture with the part you want and it should adjust to the circle.

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oh ok. How do I cut it out?

You can use any free program online for editing photos/images. E.g PickMonkey
If you still having problems just PM me with the picture and I’ll do it for you. :slight_smile:



Okay, seems like a stupid question but I’m confused. Basically, I’ve made it so the reader can pick the character name but I don’t know how to use it when a character is addressing them.
I want to put
Jace (talk_excited)
Hello, nice to meet you, …
where “…” is is where I want the readers character name to be. Sorry if this is confusing!



If you used NAME to refer to the character’s name, you will use [NAME] to have the name they chose appear. This will not show in the web previewer.


So, I’ve seen this in many stories and haven’t understood how it worked.
To customize your character, you’re brought to the avatar customization menu. How does this work?

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You mean option to customise or not? Or just to customize?

@Apes, You know that place where you customize your avatar for your profile? Some authors have figured out how to send readers there to customize.