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There’s only 4 pieces of evidence… I’ve clicked no after it on my read through and it goes back to search… but theres nothing left to tap to make it continue. Would gains keep that from happening?


How can I make a background fade in and out like fainting?
Ugh, I don’t know how to make it sound not stupid :smiley: My character fainted and I want to make those fade in and outs like she is loosing consciousness but I don’t know what would the ideal coding be for it.

Maybe someone could help me?

One of the MC’s Love interests are Bisexual and in honor of pride month I wanted him to wear something the reflected the Bisexual flag/it’s colors (pink, lavender, and blue). The problem is I can’t really find outfits the both look nice, are not culturally appropriate and reflect those 3 colors.

Do you mean transitioning?

If that’s the case the coding is:
@transition fade in COLOR SECONDS
@transition fade out COLOR SECONDS

This will make it look like blinking. There are a limited amount of colors, and I’d pick black.

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Probably :thinking: well you know when fainting and the screen starts “blinking” with black background.

I don’t know if you understand, I’m bad at explaining :smiley:

Try it and see if that’s what you wanted.
If you want you can copy this example:
@transition fade out black 3
@transition fade in black 3

Any ideas on how to start a romantic story on episode about a friend falling in love with there friend.

I’d start it with a flashback of the MC with the friend (how they met, special moments, etc.) and then have the flashback end with it being the first day of the last year of Highschool. Or is that too cliche?

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It’s good, but I have a question should it be MC meeting the friend or MC telling the friend she likes him?

Nice question. Now that I think about it, it could start by flashing forward to he/she telling the friend she likes him/her and then flashing back her meeting the friend. Afterward instead of flashing forward again it goes straight to the actual story.

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Not exactly. I need to make it that this black would be as a flashing light

Do you mean that you want it to be faster like with when people normally blinking?

Yes! Thank you! :smile:

Does anyone know how to do the clock transition?

@transition iris out or in COLOR SECONDS

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If you want you can speed up the seconds for example in 0.5.

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I’ve asked this before but I can’t find where I asked it. :frowning:

How do I code it so the characters are already in place when you pan to that area?

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&[character placement here]
@transition [blah blah blah]
@pan to zone #

just have an & sign in front of character placement then pan

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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