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It’s kinda tricky with that specific tappable template. I have a point system I use but it’s a little hard to explain on here. Just email me himeji.epiesode@gmail.com or dm me here or on my Instagram account @himeji.episode and I’ll help you out.


Thanks so much! I already had my emails open so I just emailed you lol.

Hi! I don’t have a pic, but does anyone know how to get/make those backgrounds that are like an open door? An open door and you can see inside and inside in the scene and background and stuff… I don’t know if you can understand me, but I really hope you do because I have no idea how to explain otherwise. :thinking:
Does anyone have that background or something similar to that? I’ll give you full credit.
PS. That door image is like that TV :tv: that has the whole scene in it. If anyone has that kind of thing, please help me out and send it here. I hope you could understand me. :frowning:
I’ll give you full credit if you send me that :blush:

My characters are showing up at new scene after a few seconds, as if they teleported. How do I make them appear immediatly?

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You have to write
@CHARACTER stands at position

or something similar as the first thing, after the background


Use & instead of @

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I write it the same. And still.

Forgot that it is supposed to be &, like Apes said


Okay, I’ll try it. Thank you :+1:

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You can check drives from my list and I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

📝 Ultimate List of Backgrounds and Overlays Editors / Creators!

If not maybe make a post in Art Resources :slight_smile: ?

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I was reading a story and at the end of each episode there is a QaA and in an option it says support the author and there I donate diamonds someone knows what the code is ?

Thank you so much!

Would you like to support me?

choice (support_me)

< GEMS > “Yes. I want to support you.”{



}“No. I don’t want too.”{


That’s cool.


Close the brackets (<,>) between the word GEMS.


does anyone know how to properly suggest a contest theme on the forums? does the title need to be worded a special way? ive tried to suggest something else in the past but it got taken down bc i mentioned things the wrong way and picked the wrong category to put it in lol

Hmmm :thinking: maybe try to ask a moderator where is the best to put it? I would say Episode Fan Community or Feature + Art Suggestion

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In my story it says there is an error but I don’t understand how to fix it.

It says

Expected CHARACTER or SCENE change. Found “…” instead. Did you forget to CAPITALIZE the name, or close the ( ) around the animation?

this is what my script says

if (josh_nice is “Ignore”{
PAIGE (talk_sad_timid)

JOSH (talk_neutral)
JOSH (talk_awkward)
You don’t want to talk huh?
JOSH (talk_neutral)
Alright. I’ll leave you be.
@JOSH exits right

and the error is on the line where paige talks

thank you for the help! i didnt know if i could PM a moderator

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Welcome to the forums @sp4255 :smile:

and the problem is here:

if (josh_nice is “Ignore"){
PAIGE (talk_sad_timid)

JOSH (talk_neutral)
JOSH (talk_awkward)
You don’t want to talk huh?
JOSH (talk_neutral)
Alright. I’ll leave you be.
@JOSH exits right

Omg :joy: thank you!!!

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I am trying to have the reader chose their own name and I have copied and pasted a template


So… what’s your FIRST name?

label first_name_input

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME)

if (NAME is “”) {


You do need a name.

goto first_name_input

} else {



but when I preview the story, the area where they would type in the name is not popping up. Is that because its just a preview? Or am I supposed to add something else?

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