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You can try:
&CHARACTER1 is kiss_passionate AND CHARACTER2 is kiss_passionate_rear
@zoom on 45678 in 0.2
@zoom on 45678 in 0.2
and just repeat that as many times as you want for that shakey moment :smiley:

How can I make the camera follow a character to a specific spot?

In limelight

@CHARACTER walks to scren something AND follow character to screen something in s

CHARACTER is you character lol
screen somethung is upleft, left, screen center, right and upright
S is the time in seconds (use the same in the character)

Ik how to do that but the character is male so for some reason in limelight the male are shorter than female so I want the camera to follow him to a spot were he seems larger than the female…you get me?

that is why I wrote

@follow SHADE to spot blah

So you want the camera to follow the to a specific spot? Make them go to said spot in s time and then pan to zone x in s.
Like this:

@CHAR go to spot x in s AND pan to zone y in s

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Thank you so much it worked :heart::heart::heart:

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Glad I could help

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How do I do the gunshot sound?
I did @gunshot_distant AND gunshot_distant but there are errors

sound gunshot_distant

no @ in front and you need to put the word sound before gunshot_distant

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If anyone wants to check out how to follow a character:

Shaking the camera: HOW TO: Make the Camera Shake

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is there any way to do a time lapse of a scene?

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Can you give an example

like say its daytime in a scene and i want time to pass and it becomes nighttime, how do I do that?

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@pause for #

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I need help with my script can I post here?

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post away… you can post the line of error?

(I have 3 outfits to pick up)
(And I can only wear 1)

label choosing_outfit

    TAYLOR (talk_shrug)
Lets see what 'mum' has chosen

choice “Outfit 1” {

@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_HS1DAY1

@TAYLOR enters from right to screen center

@TAYLOR is think

    TAYLOR (talk_shrug)
Its okay I guess.

goto choosing_outfit

} “Outfit 2” {

@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_HS2DAY1

@TAYLOR enters from right to screen center

@TAYLOR is think

    TAYLOR (talk_handsonhips)
I love this one

goto choosing_outfit

} “Outfit 3” {

@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_HS3DAY1

@TAYLOR enters from right to screen center

@TAYLOR is think

    TAYLOR (talk_confused_mind_blown)
This is gross

goto choosing_outfit


@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_default

@TAYLOR exits left

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I’m not sure what I’ve done to it lol

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Ok try this…

(I have 3 outfits to pick up)
(And I can only wear 1)

label choosing_outfit

    TAYLOR (talk_shrug)
Lets see what 'mum' has chosen

choice “Outfit 1” {

@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_HS1DAY1

@TAYLOR enters from right to screen center

@TAYLOR is think

    TAYLOR (talk_shrug)
Its okay I guess.

goto choosing_outfit_final

} “Outfit 2” {

@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_HS2DAY1

@TAYLOR enters from right to screen center

@TAYLOR is think

    TAYLOR (talk_handsonhips)
I love this one

goto choosing_outfit_final

} “Outfit 3” {

@TAYLOR exits right

@TAYLOR changes into TAYLOR_HS3DAY1

@TAYLOR enters from right to screen center

@TAYLOR is think

    TAYLOR (talk_confused_mind_blown)
This is gross

goto choosing_outfit_final


label choosing_outfit_final

TAYLOR (think_rubchin)
(Is this what I want to wear?)

Choice “Yes, This will do”{

TAYLOR (talk_handsonhips_happy_loop)
I like this outfit!

} " No, let me see my other choices."{
goto choosing_outfit