"Stupid" questions that never get answered? Get The Help Here!

Hey guys, I need help with something. On the episode I’m creating there’s a party scene where there are loads of different characters doing different animations across different zones. When I preview my episode, it pauses at the start because all the characters are being put in their spots. If I make it pan to the zone I want before all the spot placements, all the characters disappear. Anyone know how to fix this??

you have to either;
put &pan to zone # in # before all of the characters are placed OR
change all of the @ to & of the characters placement

Can someone help me? I’m asking this for a friend.
She used the Blue beer can prop in her story. She has had to put multiple remove prop commands in the story to remove the prop but it only temporarily fixes the issue.

Hey! So, at the end of my story I want to show my readers how many points they have. Everything works perfectly fine except for one, and I have no idea why. Here’s the code:

“Honesty.” {
if (HONESTY = 4){
You have 4 points of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY = 3){
You have 3 points of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY= 2){
You have 2 points of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY = 1){
You have 1 point of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY = 0){
You have 0 points of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY = -1){
You have -1 points of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY = -2){
You have -2 points of Honesty.
goto points

} elif (HONESTY = -3){
You have -3 points of Honesty.
goto points

} else {
You have -4 points of Honesty.
goto points

Every time, no matter what I do, it always tells the reader that they have 4 points of Honesty. Help???

I’m not entirely sure if this will work, but try this.
Go to story modifiers, then select points, then reset them. Try that way.

How to you do this as in like add it to my coding?

readerMessage Truth!

It needs to be exactly like that but without the @


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Ok thank you

Hey, When I preview on story on the app it doesn’t go into the next zone in scene.
here’s the script.
@CAMILLE walks to spot 0.839 170 244 in zone 1 in 3 AND CAMILLE exits left
@ELLA exits right
@SAMANTHA spot 0.668 27 271 in zone 2 AND SAMANTHA faces right
@SAMANTHA is idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop
@SKYLAR spot 0.659 134 278 in zone 2 AND SKYLAR faces left
@SKYLAR is idle_exhausted_loop
@TIANNA spot 0.623 80 296 in zone 2 AND TIANNA faces left
@TIANNA is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop
@pan to zone 2
@zoom on 320 367 to 197% in 0.3
@speechbubble is 121 217 to 89% with tail_top_left
SAMANTHA (talk_apathetic)
Camille and Ella really have no live’s.
They love spreading rumors about me.
Everytime I try to get zone 2 it still shows ella standing there even though she suppose to exit.
This limelight btw

I’m not sure if this will make a difference, but try this way instead.

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Okay ill try that thank you

@LiyahxWrites Thank you so much I thought it was a glitch its works I’m new to the limelight :smile:

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Okay so I’m writing this scene out where there’s an overlay on top of a background but the overlay is big enough to be the background, which isn’t important, and I have my character enter and she enters fine, like her layering, but once she stands in the spot I put her in she disapears underneath the overlay. How do I fix this.

OMG thanks so much! It worked!!

@JemU776 @RudeInception @Apes
Canany of you help me?

it says there is a dialogue error “unexpected dialogue” :

    Will anyone read this?


    BACKGROUND28 (talk_notepad)
So...what do you want?

Choice - Simple {

Set the question you ask here and change "NARRATOR" to the character asking.

“Option Two”{

Here is the 2nd option they could pick and the dialogue they'll see.

It's good to keep a few lines of dialogue, so it feels unique.

Change "NARRATOR" in all of these to the characters you have talking.

You can also add as much dialogue as you want!

}“Option Three”{

And here is a 3rd option. It's good to keep three options.

It's good to keep a few lines of dialogue, so it feels unique.

Change "NARRATOR" in all of these to the characters you have talking.

You can also add as much dialogue as you want!




You’re writting them wrong. There should not be a dash connecting the label and label name.

label drink_choice_2
label continue

You also need at least one goto for them. Can read more here: 🖤 HOW TO: Labels and Gotos 🖤

So she used a prop and it’s not getting removed? Make sure when you’re testing scenes, on the app, where you’re adding props, you play through the whole scene, to where the prop is being removed. If you add a prop and skip to another scene, they’ll still have the prop on them. Make sure everything is spelled correctly, too (I’m assuming the prop Can Beer Aluminum Blue White is being used).

If your friend is still stuck, you can tag her to share her code/put a screenshot on this thread. Or PM me.

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I did that & it still didn’t work

Are you making a simple choice where once they pick an option, they read through it and then move on with the storyline or are you making 2 options in which if they read through 1, they can read through the other and select “Done/finished” when they want to move on?