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Oh no what did I do wrong here?

you misspelled message :slight_smile:

oh wow I’m stupid

is there a way to write reader messages without typing in readerMessage over and over again

No, sorry. Why don’t you use NARRATOR for longer sentences and keep reader message for short ones?

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ok thank you :heart::blush:

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yup tried it…it doesn’t show the character

I can’t see the preview anymore…for some reason its stuck on downloading data

I will try to make it tomorrow, just give me more details.

As for preview did you try to refresh your page?

just refreshed… it says no native warm support detected

also the character is lying on the top of bunk bed in INT. BRISTOLS DORM ROOM.
and then she falls off the bed …

Do you have spot when she’s in bed? :thinking:

NO. I cant do it cause the character does not show…its weird actually

how do I show a character get out of the hot tub and walk down those stairs at the side of the tub

@danikajsequeira use spot directing. BTW which style are you using?

I am using ink

but how do i show them walk from one spot to another

I’ve made a guide on this! Check it out:


THANK you soon much. I can’t thank you enough. :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed::kissing_heart:
