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Hey! I have this doubt for a long time, and well I have tried and I can not do it. For example, I put a text in the narrator bubble and the character is doing non-stop animations. How can I do it? :orange_heart:

Thank you! But… if I want the character do differents animations in just one narrator bubble? I don’t know if I explain correctly…

Alright. I’m trying it. Thank you soo much! :orange_heart:

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I have a question, how do you add an overlay in the middle of a scene?
I want to add a bible that someone throws, but what coding thingy do I need for my script?

When you let someone customize a character and they put a name. How do u put the name on top of the speech bubble?

What’s your script name for a character?

It’s for the baby in the story, so it’s “baby”

input What’s Your Name?|What’s Your Name?|Done(BABY)



Hi, [BABY] how are you?

Thanks so much!

how do you make a character turn it’s back without it needing to say something?

Can someone help me out?
I’m trying to get a character to drink something and I don’t know how to make it look like the cup is moving with the character’s hand as they drink. If that makes sense…

Use the rear animation

@CHARACTER is rear

Are you using a prop?

I’m using an uploaded overlay

That’s a hard one. You have to use commands shifts but I don’t think if you can like do it exactly when characters it’s moving their hand, but have a look and try.

how do you get a character to be in the view while the other character is entering?

You mean like already standing on the screen?

@CHARACTER1 stands screen right
@CHARACTER2 enters from left to screen center

yea awesome great thanks!