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What did you mean by the first statement? Sorry I’m slow lol. My MC name is YOU (gonna have to figure out how to make other characters state the player’s name in their dialogue eventually). Do I have to change the script in the one I provided?

Oh. I was just explaining how to add the customized name on the characters speech bubble.

But if you like YOU, that’s also fine.

So overall my advice: preview it on the app, because you won’t show up on the web previewer.

Here’s how you make other characters state the customized name:

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

CHAR (scream)
I love you, [FIRSTNAME]!

Okay, this would be my naming cc script.

So... what's your name?

label first_name_input

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

if (FIRSTNAME is “”) {

You do need a name...

goto first_name_input

} else {

“I need a redo” {

goto customization

} “Perfect!” {

goto continue


label first_name_input

There is an error showing though. It says that “Choices must be follow dialogue immediately, not a branch.” I’ve highlighted where the error is showing in bold.

And for the CC of a SECOND character (male love interest), ALSO gonna mention I’m using the CC template of the creator you gave me :slight_smile:

“I need a redo” {

goto label male_avatar1

} “Perfect!” {

goto continue


label continue

Hot damn!

@RUBEN is flirt_wink_forward

It’s now telling me that the label “continue” is a duplicate…gah.

To make the love interest, should I use the first male CC template or the 2nd one the creator provided?

Lol I wonder if I should just use the default look of the love interest for now until he appears in the story, where the player is then free to customize him. The coding and amount of lines used are ridiculously sore on the eyes.

Yes because all labels have to be different.
So add numbers.


label continue1
label continue2

OHH there you go, so basically it’s numbered depending on how many characters you’re customizing?

I feel dumb lol but thanks! I’m gonna now test out the name thing, it was the CC part that was giving me a headache. I can definitely understand authors frothing at the mouth when readers demand to CC again.

No, the numbers just add a difference between the labels because you can’t use the same label name more than once. You could also do continueA, continueB etc etc

This applies exactly to the name customization?

Also, still having issues with the previous name post where the error says “choices must follow dialogue immediately, not a branch”. Bolded is where its showing the error.

What would you edit here?

So… what’s your name?
label first_name_input

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

if (FIRSTNAME is “”) {


You do need a name…
goto first_name_input

} else {

“I need a redo” {

goto customization

} “Perfect!” {

goto continue


label first_name_input

I feel really annoying right now lol.

So... what's your name?

label first_name_input

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

if (FIRSTNAME is “”) {

You do need a name...

goto first_name_input

} else {

“I need a redo” {

goto customization

} “Perfect!” {

goto continueA



(So I changed the ‘continue’ part to continueA, and now the error "There is a { on line 13 that does not have a matching } " , I went ahead and bolded where the error is showing).

You have to add dialogue between choices

And I want to be clear with you on the labels. Label can be named ANYTHING. But you can’t use the same label more than one time. It doesn’t matter what choice it corresponds to. I just use continue because it’s easy for me to tell what that label will be (a place that continues the story).


So… what’s your name?

label first_name_input

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

if (FIRSTNAME is “”) {

You do need a name…
goto first_name_input

} else {
goto continue

Is that your name?

“I need a redo” {

goto first_name_input

} “Perfect!” {

goto continue

label continue (unless you already used “continue”, then use another word or add a number/letter, whatever)

Story line me continues

How do you make the camera follow a character as they walk?


If you are walking to a screen position, you can just use:
&CHARACTER walks to screen center in zone 3
@follow CHARACTER to screen center in zone 3

If you are walking to a spot, you will need to use a pan:
&CHARACTER walks to spot 1.280 100 100 in zone 3 in 3
@pan to zone 3 in 4
You have to play with the times a bit to get it to follow just right.

How do you do that? That part of the choice branches were confusing to me.

Can i see your outfit choice command?

This is one of my outfit choice command.
label 2_2_dressinggame

    YOUNG DERIC (talk_think)
Now what should I wear?

“Grey Suit” {
@YOUNG DERIC exits left
@YOUNG DERIC changes into Formal wear 1 M
@YOUNG DERIC enters from left to screen center

I like this set!

} “White Shirt and Vest” {
@YOUNG DERIC changes into Formal outfit 2 M
@YOUNG DERIC enters from left to screen center

This is nice!

} “Blue shirt” {
@YOUNG DERIC exits left
@YOUNG DERIC changes into Formal wear 3 M
@YOUNG DERIC enters from left to screen center

This will do!


Should I change outfits?

choice “Yes, I want to wear somethng else” {
redo 2_2_dressinggame
} “No, I’m good with this.” {


Okay cool, so like Daisy said, if the character doesn’t change outfits between episodes, the outfit choice should stick. But just in case you have to name your outfit choice you add in the following command:

choice (Outift) It can be whatever name you want
“Grey Suit” {
@YOUNG DERIC exits left
@YOUNG DERIC changes into Formal wear 1 M
@YOUNG DERIC enters from left to screen center

And then in the beginning of the next episode or if your character changes into another outfit and you want them to change back to the readers choice:

if (Outfit is “Grey Suit”) {

@DERIC changes into Formal wear 1 M

} elif (Outfit is “White Shirt and Vest”) {

@DERIC changes into Formal outfit 2 M

} else {

@DERIC changes into Formal wear 3 M


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Oh okay, that makes more since now. From the looks of it, I going to have to do that. Unless, the script editor will not show the choice when writing out a new episode.