Tappable Intro help

I’m currently making one if you would like to try it out?
There is no story to it yet as it’s on my “testing” script


Thank you so much :heart:


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Sorry about the delay I went out this morning. Like a say there is no story as this is just a script to test different things out :wink:


Thank you :blob_hearts:

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hope it works can’t ty it on my phone at the moment lol

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@JemU776 i used the script you gave me and it say Unexpected GOTO: (u’begin’, False ).

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I’ll take a look :slight_smile:

Hmm :thinking: I’m not seeing an issue but I’ll check it over once I’m home :wink:

Ok thank you! :grin:

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When you copied it did you also copy label begin (the very first thing at the top)?

If you’re still having an error occur, do show your code (it should work).

Should i take out the label begin?

label begin should NOT be erased. Make sure your background intro name is written correctly. I tested before I sent this and it ran smoothly. Can you show your script if an error persists?

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It’s working now but when i downloaded the resized customize overlay it comes up as a jpeg not a png.

Never mind i was able to fix it, thank you so much for your help! :heart: :grin:

Sorry, just one more thing, when you press skip it says you haven’t read the episode yet, so if i were to update it and you had to replay it would they be able to skip the episode.

This explains it very well:

If the reader is in the middle of reading your chapter but then you edit it, and they have to re-play it from the start, progress for just that chapter will reset for them. So they would have to re-read. BUT instead of using the code I gave you, you can instead ask the readers if they’d like to skip the episode or read it (their choice). So for example instead you can do:

However this means they are able to skip it if they haven’t read it but remember that it also means people don’t have to re-read if you update, they can skip the episode. If your episode contained gains, character points, just be wary because gains and points reset when a reader has to re-play an episode if an author updates. Sorry for being so repetitive :blob_hearts:

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So what would I take out to put that in?

#Example (I re-wrote it all with the skip option not locked):

label begin

EXT. INTRO with GREEN START to 0.520 -325 309 in zone 1 at layer 0 with GREEN CUSTOMIZE to 0.493 441 203 in zone 1 at layer 0 with GREEN SKIP to 0.458 -325 93 in zone 1 at layer 0

&zoom reset

&speechbubble reset

&overlay GREEN START opacity 0 in 0
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 0 in 0
&overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 0 in 0

&overlay GREEN START shifts to 36 309 in zone 1 in 3 using easebounceout
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE shifts to 43 203 in zone 1 in 3 using easebounceout
&overlay GREEN SKIP shifts to 38 93 in zone 1 in 3 using easebounceout
&overlay GREEN START opacity 0.5 in 3 then overlay GREEN START opacity 1 in 1
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 0.5 in 3 then overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 1 in 1
@overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 0.5 in 3 then overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 1 in 1

label checkpoint


&overlay GREEN START opacity 0 in 3
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 0 in 3
@overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 0 in 3

if (READ){

You already read the story. Would you like to re-read?


goto start


&overlay GREEN START opacity 1 in 3
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 1 in 3
@overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 1 in 3

goto checkpoint


goto start


&overlay GREEN START opacity 0 in 3
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 0 in 3
@overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 0 in 3

goto customize


&overlay GREEN START opacity 0 in 3
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 0 in 3
@overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 0 in 3

Are you sure you want to end the episode?


goto end


&overlay GREEN START opacity 1 in 3
&overlay GREEN CUSTOMIZE opacity 1 in 3
@overlay GREEN SKIP opacity 1 in 3

goto checkpoint


label customize


&zoom reset

&speechbubble reset

Customize characters here.

goto begin

label start


&zoom reset

&speechbubble reset

The whole story line here.

gain READ

goto begin

label end


&zoom reset

&speechbubble reset

Thanks for reading!

Thank you so much!:heart::heart: