Tara explains: How to have choices that matter without any complex coding!

Oh noo I’m talking about the choice, not the if/elif/else. You need to change the choice name as well.

So this is what the choice should look like:

Should I tell her about last night?

choice (TRUTH_OR_LIE)
“I shouldn’t tell her! What if it hurts her feelings?”{

}“Tell her the truth”{


And this is what the if/else should look like:

if (TRUTH_OR_LIE is “I shouldn’t tell her! What if it hurts her feelings?”){

} else {


Ohhhhhh well I feel stupid know! Thank you so much I’ll change that know!!

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Hi there!

If you want to use this throughout your story and not just in one episode, the method I’ve explained in this article won’t work reliably for you. If you search “Tara explains” in the search bar on the forums, you’ll see I’ve written an article about other advanced types of branching - using points and gains. If you give that article a read, those are more the methods that you’d need to choose to code for 4 love interests. Hope this helps!