Team Episode is Looking For Members!

Username: @Sophbee
Nickname (optional): Soph / Sophie
Art You Specialize In: Character Edits / PFP, Banners & Covers
Thread: Sophbee's Art Request Thread | V2.0 | CLOSED TEMPORARILY
Why You Wanna Join: I’ve been looking to join a newly created group as I believe that I could help the group to be one of the best friendly art groups that put the best in helping the community and doesn’t tolerate dramas. I enjoy doing arts and making new friends. I also look forward to be working with you!
Position (optional): VP
Why You Want The Position: I’ve never been a VP before but I believe I could be a good leader to the group. I’m an anti-drama person and I like to keep things organized. If I get the chance, I will make sure that the members not only take art requests, but also have fun doing it and being in the group.
Groups You Are In: Episode Harmony, Epy Heroes

thank you :yellow_heart: