Testing a New Shelf: Top Community Stories

I don’t know why it replied to you, I actually just wanted to reply to the topic. I tried to untag you and it wouldn’t let me.

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She’s right… this is true! @Liz (I’ve noticed it too!)
The stories that are trending under the “recently updated stories” have been there for long over 30 days, some of which haven’t been updated in 6 weeks or longer. But yet a lot of stories that have actually been recently updated, aren’t popping up. So this shelf clearly isn’t working in the way that it should.


Frustrating isn’t it?

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Exactly… and this isn’t their only issue, currently. There’s just been so many glitches and issues happening lately.


what stories made it to the shelf? can you SS it? I am just relishing in the fact they are probably already trending on multi lists with over 1 million reads.

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I don’t the top trending stories need anymore exposure, they need to give smaller authors more exposure.


Right this is what Im saying. I feel like newly released and updated stories should trend there for at least 24-48 hours


I remember from my experience that I spent a few good months only on the main page of episode, not knowing that user stories even exist. So for me the extra shelf on the main page as a hint there are user stories out there would be very helpful, even if I myself wouldn’t get there.


once again, another shelf that is completely catered towards big/popular authors, when is their going to be a shelf/section where smaller authors will have a chance to earn spotlight-recognition. this shelf is just another shelf for stories that already trending. doesn’t that seem unfair to those struggling to earn recognition because you’re giving smaller authors the short end of the stick?

if you want to add another shelf that is inclusive to ALL authors, then why not add a new story shelf to each section giving new and smaller authors a chance for spotlight and fairness. or why not create a shelf solely for authors to understand 50-90k reads (overall)

don’t get me wrong, the authors who are trending sold out worked hard for their spot, but it’s annoying constantly seeing the same stories trending. it’s bad enough the same stories are at the top of every genre, this new shelf, and under stories we love (including the new story section, that i don’t see in my app anymore.) either rotate these same stories around that constantly go against guidelines but we don’t talk about that that way every story in the trending section has a chance to be in the top 100 including those with a smaller amount of reads or go with the former (which is the better option)

reference here ↓

excuse any spelling errors or if something isn’t clear enough. it’s 3 in the morning.


Wait, no, because I really like that idea❣️
My “New User Stories” section has always been buggy :((

Sounds like a great idea!
Hopefully, we gain more visibility!

I get irritated by the constant hypocrisy of guideline rules, I had a cover rejected because the guy was topless but yet when I went to the trending stories section under stories by everyone or something like that… at least 40% of the covers showed a guy clearly topless. If rules are going to be imposed they need to be imposed on everyone.


And once again I pat myself on the back for being right, once again another shelf for the same stories to fricking trend on. Episode should allow a story to trend on 1 list (other then its given genre) its bunk that I have to see the same cover on multiple shelves, there are so many stories out there that have no recognition that deserve to be recognized. The only way you find them is doing R4R’s or by accident.
I legit read a story Ice Cold Heart by Nipa on a read for read the other day, and that story was hilarious. I legitimately LOL several times on each chapter. Can you find that story on a shelf? Nope but it should be.


I made a cover for someone it also got rejected I emailed episode about the cover because I thought maybe it was the gun then came to realization no the gun was fine. So they told me they didn’t find anything wrong, it has been reuploaded and is approved.

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They should make a shelf for new authors.

I had 2 different covers reject, 1 was rejected twice, said the guy being topless implied sexual activity or something stupid like that, (He was rear facing) I drew a tank top on him and it was approved.
The shelf has guys clearly topless on them its just so utterly frustrating that only rules apply to some people.


I seen this also, a lot of stories with the dude shirtless so it makes no sense why they rejected yours.


My stories get the same ads played on them as the big authors, I had 2 different stories appear on the recently updated list (that list caused my stories to jump up in reads and ended up hitting the top of their genre for a bit) I entered the DL contest lost my trending (since I didn’t update) Now both stories have updated but it took weeks for only 1 to get back on that list, even though most of the stories on that list were either complete and/or not updated in the last 30 days. Being visible makes a signifigant difference, unfortunately most authors don’t get the opportunity to trend. Episode needs to change that.


I think the main page should have something that says “click here to read community stories “because not everyone knows where to go to find other stories. Back then I would often use the search bar to find stories or go to the author’s profile if I enjoyed the featured story.