Testing Problem

When I save this, there is no error and it comes back as being error free. However, when testing this if statement, it is not giving the choices in the if/elif/else statements. Instead it keeps on going to the else statement. What is going on? I have done updated story on the app, tested it out on both the episode platform and the cell phone and it keeps on doing the same thing. I have also collapse the options and I don’t think there is a missing { } unless if there should be another in here.

@follow ROOMMATE3 to back left in zone 2 THEN ROOMMATE3 is search_neutral AND KATIE walks to back right
KATIE (talk_explain_neutral)
I found some outfits, I’ll go try them on
@ROOMMATE3 faces right AND KATIE exits right
@pause for 3
label niceOutfit
I’m coning out
choice (nice)
“Simple Blue” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane
@KATIE enters from right to back right
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
That skirt looks good on you
@KATIE exits right
goto niceOutfit
} “Mint Shirt” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane2
@KATIE enters from right to back right
@ROOMMATE3 is think_rubchin
ROOMMATE3 (talk_explain_neutral)
I love that shirt
@KATIE exits right
goto niceOutfit
} “Simple Green” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane3
@KATIE enters from right to back right
@ROOMMATE3 is think_rubchin
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
That’s nice
ROOMMATE3 (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Its simple
@KATIE exits right
goto niceOutfit
} “Ice Feel” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane4
@KATIE enters from right to back right
@ROOMMATE3 is react_shocked_awe
KATIE (talk_armsraised_neutral)
I like this mix, since its like wearing the colors of ice
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
That’s so pretty
@KATIE exits right
goto niceOutfit
} “Mint Dress” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane5
@KATIE enters from right to back right
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
That is such a pretty dress
@KATIE exits right
goto niceOutfit
} “Blue Dress” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane6
@KATIE enters from right to back right
ROOMMATE3 (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
That is a simple dress
ROOMMATE3 (talk_deny_neutral)
It does look nice on you
@KATIE exits right
goto niceOutfit
} “Abigail’s choice” {
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
I also found this outfit for you to try on
@ROOMMATE3 is return_object_neutral AND KATIE is take_object_neutral
@KATIE exits right
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane_AbiChoice
@pause for 1.5
@KATIE enters from right to screen right
@ROOMMATE3 is think_rubchin
KATIE (talk_shrug_neutral)
I don’t think this is really me
ROOMMATE3 (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
The thing is that is my favorite color and the color does look good on you
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Are you going to wear this dress?
choice “Yes” {
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
readerMessage Abigail +1
goto dante
} “No” {
KATIE (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
I don’t think I will wear this dress
readerMessage Abigail -1
goto niceOutfit
} “Done” {
goto dante
label dante
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
Now we can explore this street
KATIE (talk_explain_neutral)
I will follow wherever you lead
@ROOMMATE3 is react_holdface_happy
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
Let’s look go at the jewelry

@ROOMMATE3 enters from left to screen center AND KATIE enters from left to screen left THEN KATIE is text_phone_neutral_loop THEN ROOMMATE3 faces left AND ROOMMATE3 is think_rubchin
@pause for 1.5
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Katie, is there anything that you would like to do?
KATIE (read_phone_neutral_loop)
I found it
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Found what?
KATIE (read_phone_neutral_loop)
There is a deli that I would like to have lunch at then I would like to go have an artist draw my portrait
ROOMMATE3 (talk_excited_happy)
We should we have some jewelry on first

if (nice is “Simple Blue”) {
label skirt1Necklace
KATIE (think_rubchin)
What kind of necklace should I wear?
choice “Necklace 1” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane_necklace
@pause for 2
goto skirt1Necklace
} "Necklace 2 " {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane_necklace2
@pause for 2
goto skirt1Necklace
} “Necklace 3” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane_necklace3
@pause for 2
goto skirt1Necklace
} “Done” {
goto fin3
label fin3
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli

} elif (nice is “Mint Shirt”) {
label skirt2Necklace
KATIE (think_rubchin)
What kind of necklace should I wear?
choice “Necklace 1” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane2_necklace
@pause for 2
goto skirt2Necklace
} "Necklace 2 " {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane2_necklace2
@pause for 2
goto skirt2Necklace
} “Necklace 3” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane2_necklace3
@pause for 2
goto skirt2Necklace
} “Done” {
goto fin4
label fin4
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli

} elif (nice is “Simple Green”) {
label skirt3Necklace
KATIE (think_rubchin)
What kind of necklace should I wear?
choice “Necklace 1” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane3_necklace
@pause for 2
goto skirt3Necklace
} "Necklace 2 " {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane3_necklace2
@pause for 2
goto skirt3Necklace
} “Necklace 3” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane3_necklace3
@pause for 2
goto skirt3Necklace
} “Done” {
goto fin5
label fin5
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli

} elif (nice is “Ice Feel”) {
label skirt4Necklace
KATIE (think_rubchin)
What kind of necklace should I wear?
choice “Necklace 1” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane4_necklace
@pause for 2
goto skirt4Necklace
} "Necklace 2 " {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane4_necklace2
@pause for 2
goto skirt4Necklace
} “Necklace 3” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane4_necklace3
@pause for 2
goto skirt4Necklace
} “Done” {
goto fin6
label fin6
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli
} elif (nice is “Mint Dress”) {
label skirt5Necklace
KATIE (think_rubchin)
What kind of necklace should I wear?
choice “Necklace 1” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane5_necklace
@pause for 2
goto skirt5Necklace
} "Necklace 2 " {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane5_necklace2
@pause for 2
goto skirt5Necklace
} “Necklace 3” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane5_necklace3
@pause for 2
goto skirt5Necklace
} “Done” {
goto fin7
label fin7
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli
} elif (nice is “Blue Dress”) {
label skirt6Necklace
KATIE (think_rubchin)
What kind of necklace should I wear?
choice “Necklace 1” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane6_necklace
@pause for 2
goto skirt6Necklace
} "Necklace 2 " {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane6_necklace2
@pause for 2
goto skirt6Necklace
} “Necklace 3” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane6_necklace3
@pause for 2
goto skirt6Necklace
} “Done” {
goto fin8
label fin8
ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli
} else {
KATIE (think_rubchin)
(Seems like there is only one necklace that will go with this dress nicely)
choice “Necklace” {
@KATIE changes into KATIE_artistLane_AbiChoicewnecklace
@pause for 2
} ROOMMATE3 (talk_shrug_neutral)
Lets go check out this deli

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The if/elif/else isn’t working because of the way you formatted your dressing game. You have it set up the same way a cc template is set up where you have a “goto” inside each option that leads back to the label to start the choice over again.

Try formatting your dressing game like this:

so this was not what you asked, but I recomand not haveing her walk in and off screen with clothes change it takes so long time, and most readers dont like it.

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I have fixed both the way the dressing game is played and also removed having her walk in and off the screen with the clothes changed

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