The chapters that follow the first

Try and add to the ascending action. Here’s how your story will most likely want to play out to have a strong structure:
(In this example there are 20 chapters to the book)
Chapters 1-2: Exposition (Introduction to the characters and what’s going to happen)
Chapters 2-13: Rising Action (Adding to the plot with twists and character development)
Chapters 14-18: Climax (Big scenes, big twists, main point of story)
Chapter 19: Falling Action (Resolving plot points, conflicts, explaining, etc.)
Chapter 20: Resolution (Tying all things together and up with the ending, or adding a teaser, another exciting incident, or an epilogue for a future book)

This is just a basic idea and example that I could come up with. I wrote a detailed post on how to set up your story really well with different structures that professional writers outside of Episode and on Episode use here.

Hope this helps!

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