The Dumb solutions game

:joy::joy::joy::joy: love it!

Paint your other sock the same colour as your shoe.

I can’t remember my password

Wow your super smart!)

Then reamber your password its that easy

I cant find my banana

Then bite your fingers off

My mum took my tablet

Take her phone to assert dominance

My hair is too long

Color it the same color as your neck so it looks short

I can’t find my phone

Then steal your mum’s phone and make it look like yours

I hate my shoes

Then just wear socks everywhere

My glasses are fogged up

Duh, just don’t wear them. Problem solved
I can’t find my book

Google where it is
You missed your flight

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Fly on the sky.

I need foods but I’m broke to afford $56 shrimp Alfredo.

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Just get $1 shrimp from the dollar tree

I’m failing math

seduce the teacher.

I am having a job interview tomorrow.

Don’t show up but manifest that you’ll get the job

My watch died

Count five multiple instead of time.

I can’t sit on chair.

Then stand on the fridge.

My phone is dead.

Give it CPR

My flowers all wilted

pour an energy drink on it

My cat ate my goldfish

Buy a new cat

My ceiling fan came of the ceiling

connect the fan to the switch board and let it rotate on the floor if you ever feel hot!

my boyfriend snorts so loudly that I haven’t slept since 4 months.

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