The Episode Community Roundtable (Current Events Happening)

Well…there was a woman’s march. But of course, it was canceled because there wasn’t enough intersectionality…nothing like “feminism” taking a stand against the evil, evil patriarchy…unless of course there’s 74% white women marching from your 70% white town. eyerolls What do these people expect??

None of these movements are real anymore. I cannot wait for these things to finally die. It’s really only a matter of time.


A few places in America do need feminism though, like what @ShanniiWrites was talking about one time. Plus, the #metoo movement was a good thing at first, but then spiralled out of control…


Definitely. America is a lot better than a lot of places, but it’s not completely perfect. There are still a few gender issues to solve — especially socially, but some laws too


I guess I can post this here? Anything I create will get merged anyway, LMAO

What I define ‘trolling’: Constantly causing problems on same topics, and by causing problems I don’t mean disagreeing, (get over yourself special snowflake, there’s other who have the same opinion as you, you aren’t different :relieved:) I mean attacking people personally. Calling them insults, saying words that aren’t allowed in forums, absolutely refusing to see anything else and just keep saying their opinion and call everyone ‘special snowflake’ and accuse them of thinking they are different when they are literally same as everyone, you’re a walking streotype sweetie, get over yourself. You are not different as well.

And I hate how certain people with power (yall know the word but don’t say it, you’ll be flagged) can’t see this. I reported these people’s certain posts where they use insensitive words like see you next tuesday, and only then get flagged. These people NEVER get flagged if you flag them as off topic or inappropiate, you have to flag them for moderation and give description, believe me I tried.

There are people with some what similar opinions to them and honestly this is how you be a better person. I bet my political opinion isn’t same as everyone here -even if u think it is- but there are things I agree. And I standby it because I know there are more than 1 person on this planet and there are millions of POV. If I don’t experience something or see it, that doesn’t effing mean no one experiences it.


XD I think trolling does that, indeed. But when you feed the trolls…shrugs

Trolls only do what they do because they know they’ll get rises out of people and they think its funny. I know, I was one of these people once lol…back when I didn’t think having conversations and trying to actually talk to people could ever make a difference at all. And ya know…it still is kinda the same. Seeing such an opposite opinion to your own might make you go like, “Well, there’s no way I could bring a different point of view to this person’s attention…” and then whether you’re a pessimist or optimist will depend how you respond to people.

I feel like more pessimistic people in general will respond more troll-like. More optimistic people might respond all cordial, XD I’ve really only responded a couple times more troll-like…my old tendencies coming up ^^’ lol, but I keep pretty chill most of the time >.> Took me a long time to get here, though. Think what you want of people like Ben Shapiro, Sargon of Akkad, Steven Crowder, etc, these people really helped me stop being such an angry little troll. X’D




The play that I’m doing in my theatre program is so biased and left-wing that I’m pissed. Anyone can be see how biased it is. All of the men are complete assholes, not one is good. And all of the women are supposedly good, especially Kate (she is a misandrist. Just because you were abused does not mean all men are like that.) It’s so biased and so stereotypical… Not everyone shares the same views as us!


Huh…I mean, expected, though…how fucked is that, fam? LOL

I read that and I’m like, “Yeah. That’s sounds normal.” X’DDD

It’ll be okay eventually ^^ Let them have their time. shrugs Everything evens out every now and then. I’m also sick of female characters being butchered in media. Like, they’re perfect, have no weaknesses or flaws and all this. Sigh…the directors admit it and everything. Rei has no flaws! That’s…not a good character! LOL ^^’

I understand the anger though. You know, I was angry before X’D And I’d be angry now if it was in my face, tbh. Blessings <3 <3


As an Independent it infuriates me!

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Plus, the only anchors I respect/like on CNN are Van Jones, Gupta, Chris Cuomo, and Anderson Cooper… I’ve heard that Don Lemon is disrespectful. I don’t care if he’s gay.

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Lol have you ever seen that “Don Lemon, worst journalist ever” video?

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Nope. What happened?

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It’s just a funny video compilation…one that I just searched for and can’t find! LOL Well dang, I guess nevermind. Pfft

I don’t like news at all…not even Fox. Except Tucker Carlson. LOL I have a weird crush on Tuck ^^

Other than that, I don’t like any of 'em. Not even Hannity or any of 'em. Just Tuck. I watch anyway! And also CNN and private news, and I read articles…oof >.> I just read and watch and listen to a lot of stuff so I hear as many POVs as possible! O.o

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Also, I absolutely despise Alex Jones… he’s a crazy motherfucker.

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Oof…I stopped watching Alex Jones…basically after the second video I ever saw of him. LOL

Paul J Watson is okay I guess…>.> Cringey af sometimes, but sometimes, if I’m in the right mood, he makes me laugh LOL (also depending on the subject) O.O But yeah, nah Alex Jones is…SMH

I’m subbed to the Daily Wire, I do watch TYT…even though every time I hear TYT I wanna stab myself in the side of the head X’D Ben Shapiro doesn’t always say things I agree with…but he’s center, and he’s pretty reasonable and even if he isn’t he does bring up points to think about. I watch The Daily Wire and Ben’s videos like…AS SOON as they’re released. LOL

Check the sources and stuff, try to find someone who has a different POV, and Sam Seder, you know Sam Seder? He’s very valuable to listen to, I think.

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What’s TYT?

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The Young Turks.

Have you seen Ana “I’m better than you, much better than you” Kasparian? cringe

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Congrats! She and the rest of the Turks are terrible ^^ X’D

We need 9 dem votes for this budget for our border security. Donny’s trying again. He might have tweeted about it while I was sleeping but I just woke up. We’ll see soon how it goes I guess.


I don’t think there should be a border wall. A proper path to immigration is what I support. Come on, a wall? Immigrants get here by plane…