The label choose outfits does not exist

Please help

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check the spelling on your “label ____” and “goto _____” to see if they’re the same.

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Still don’t understand

Maybe try @erica is think rubchin

so for the part where you wrote “goto outfit”, make sure it matches where you supposedly put “label outfit”

or check if you even created the label

And if that does not work just try to remove the @

also for line 118,

instead of

@ERICA (think_rubchin)
(What should I wear?)

change it to

ERICA (think_rubchin)
(What should I wear?)

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Because when a character talks you usually don’t need the @.

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the @ isn’t supposed to be there!

I don’t think I created a label ,

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Okay, so what/where would you like to label to bring the reader to?

Am confused, I just want the readers to make a choice of outfits for the main character

If that does not work try this
label dressing_game_1

    CHARACTER (animation)
What do I want to wear?

choice (OUTFIT_1)
“Outfit 1” {
@CHARACTER changes into Outfit1
#add your own dialogue and animations

} “Outfit 2” {
@CHARACTER changes into Outfit2
#add your own dialogue and animations

} “Outfit 3” {
@CHARACTER changes into Outfit3
#add your own dialogue and animations

    CHARACTER (animation)
Do I want to wear this one?

“It’s perfect!” {
#add your own dialogue and animations

} “No, I want to try on the others!” {
goto dressing_game_1


label outfit

ERICA (think_rubchin)
(Choose outfit.)


@ERICA changes into ERICA CLUB 1


@ERICA changes into ERICA CLUB 2


@ERICA changes into ERICA CLUB 3


@pause for a beat
@pause for a beat

ERICA (think_rubchin)
(Is this perfect?)


ERICA (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Yup, this is it!


goto outfit


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And you can highlight character click control f and and then click all and add your characters name in there.

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am still getting the same label “outfit” does not exist

Okay wow thanks, i write the label outfit like you said, and it works
Thanks a lot

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Thanks guys
Love you :kissing_heart:

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Np problem, good luck with your story!

By the way, I recommend adding punctuation at the end of sentences to make your story look more professional!

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