The Life Thread

To start this post somehow…


noun, the feeling that no matter what you do is always somehow wrong

I feel like my life is torn between two states.
Sometimes I feel like it stopped and I’m stuck. Like it’s impossible to get out of some situation, doesn’t matter how hard you try and it’s slowly tearing you apart from the inside.
While some things are the dead end, the rest are moving too fast and can’t be stopped.
It’s tiring…
I know you probably don’t see any sense in my babbling but if you are that 1% who undertands, do you feel the same way?



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First world problem galore

Saw the bus guy again -_-

It was weird but we had this sort of weird thing where we kinda acknowledged each other’s existence and kinda just yeah (it is stupid).

He is not the most handsome or attractive guy I have met but there’s just something about him that is quite endearing…

Well, I thought I would never see him again but pulled off seeing him two days in a row.

Anywayy, I have realised that at times I can be super oblivious to male attention. In the godforsaken circumstance it happens, I cannot really wrap my head around it lol and just ignore it because well, I doesn’t really make sense. I mean I have lived with myself all my life and I am a weirdo so I do not get the appeal if I ever receive any :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

I warned you first world problem

Another first world problem

University has started and I do not even wanna :joy::joy::joy::cry::cry:


So today has just been mentally exhausting.

My bus driver in the morning was 20 minutes late to my stop. And to top it off, he had no idea where we were going so me and this girl needed to direct him.
Even with our directions, he went in a full circle around the same neighbourhood.
And he drove right past the entrance of our school.
Thing is, he drove us to school yesterday (I mean, he drove way past our school street yesterday, but like I thought he learned).
Kids were yelling out directions in the back, so I also ended up with a headache. We arrived 30 minutes late to school.
I’m used to just relaxing in the morning but today I actually had to be aware of my surroundings. I was so tired through the rest of the day.

And then at lunch this girl I’ll call A shouted across the room to our Korean Foreign Student about her chopsticks that were “from his country” and I was like dear Lord Jesus Christ. Filipino dude, D, beside me was upset, calling her a racist, I backed him up because, well, that was racist. At the end of the day he kept bothering her about it, and she complained to her friend who told D to stop calling her a racist. So I explain to her what A said and even she’s like “oh.”

But anyway.
All in all it’s been an exhausting day.


I’m always like “WHO SAID SOMETHING TO ME!??!?!??!?!?” whenever I get a notification for Facebook or Discord or the forums XD

Anyways, my Mom is letting me go back to school… yay… My dreams have come true!

And my nightmares.


i have been scared of tumblr but i finally got one and posted some art. nothing bad has happened so far and i got a few notes when i posted an hour ago. i might keep posting there


I was looking through all my screenshots and found this… XD


i just realized that my account is older than the 1m replies thread and that makes me f


Ooooh that’s nice

Oof, that’s so weird to process

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I remember that reply :relieved:




omg dead

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i saved a cricket from suffocation and my fanart got noticed by the polite cat´s instagram account

today was GOOD


That sounds cool, anime ^-^

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I am sitting here, reading my own story. I was planning on staying up till midnight… but… the problem is I can’t because like, I just realized I have school tomorrow.

Sleep or Episode

Episode or Sleep

Episode for Story or Sleep for School

I can’t decide. Darnet Episode, this is all your fault.




but episode


wait, aren’t you like several hours ahead of me? Why aren’t you asleep?

edit : You’ve been busted cam >: D


but class tomorrow