The Person Below You!

Yeppers finally

TPBM is in any school drama with friends?

no :wink::wink:

TPBM likes tea?

Maybe :wink:

TPBM has any sort of piercing?

Nope :wink:

TPBM eats dinner? (Lol wut)” even is this queston?)


TPBM likes to eat pizza?

Yep, very :wink:

TPBM likes apples better than oranges?


TPBM likes crÚme brûlée?

Heck yeah!

TPBM is dancing now?

Nope not yet :joy:

TPBM likes greys anatomy?

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I’d say loves greys anatomy!

TPBM has seen Pretty Little Liars?(If not, I recommend it)


TPBM watches glee?


TPBM has watched BTVS?


TPBM is weird :joy:

Really what is normal?

TPBM is waiting for a important message?

Yes, I am

TPBM has been on a horse before?

Sadly yes

TPBM has a very strange fear?

OMG lucky, I always wanted to ride a horse :pleading_face: :horse:

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No way I’m terrified and I blame my stupid uncle :joy::roll_eyes: I was riding on it and I was like really young and stuff and he was like:”Be careful that it doesn’t eat you!” And I started crying and screaming and begging to get off
worse 5th birthday party ever :expressionless::woman_facepalming:t5:

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That’s OK, I understand, I’m afraid of dogs 'cause I almost got killed by one when I was younger :sweat_smile: When you’re young and someone or something instills fear in u, it carries on throughout ur life. But honestly, horses are such beautiful creatures :heart:

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IKR I mean things are so different and yeah now Ik that horses can’t eat me I’m still just scared. Also I’m so sorry I can understand your fear of dogs there. But you’re not wrong tho horses are pretty :joy:

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