The Return Of Warring Kingdoms [GAME]

Heal Red by 3,attack blue by 1

Hang, on, I think we won?

We did- yours should be zero! :smiley:

You know this ended when @Lady-Mehek posted but ok

Attack Red by 3 and heal blue by 1

Red: 0
Blue: 30

@Chocolate_Mama says hi

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yours shows up later in my laptop haha XD

my phone crashed :scream: :scream: OMG

XD either way, Blues win, good game y’all and hi @SillyCupcake22233


The Blue Kings are the best :3

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she came?

What team I’m on :thinking:

there r so little red…

Blue, you can attack by 1 and heal by 3. (let’s not spam lol)

@Chocolate_Mama says hi


Stop spamming, the mods will be angry :joy:

@Chocolate_Mama says hi

So now that the round’s over, I’m down to explain the game to @Jayla12 and @BriannaW since they expressed confusion with it.

This is Warring Kingdoms. There are two kingdoms- the Red, and the Blue. Each starts every round of the game at thirty points. Your goal is to hone the skills given to you by your role in the kingdom to try and attack (take points away from) the other team and heal (add points to) your own team.

Here are the teams (this is by month you joined the forums)-

And here are the roles-

Hope this makes sense ^-^

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I’m a blue queen right??

Too… Many… Blue queens…

Since you joined in April, yes :slight_smile:
Welcome to the Blue side!



Yes so I like take one point away from red and add 3 points to blue