The Sarcasm Game

Cuz the sin gers are just screaming in classic music, not actually singing

What is school so boring

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You should pay attention more so you can actually learn to use the right grammar

Why is it cold

Because you’re not warm.

Why is my tongue pink? (idk if it’s been said or not)

Because you’ve clearly been eating your blusher.

Why is everyone depressed?

Because nobody is happy.

Why are cats so scared of everything?

Because it assumes cucumber as snake.

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

Horses. They would just stay silent and kick everybody.
Why did Isaac Newton notice an apple falling from a tree? :thinking:

Because he is thinking to eat an apple.
Why am I having fun with this sarcasm game? (it said it is sarcasm in the title)

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Cuz you love listening to bright ideas? :smile: lmao
What would you do to a person who forgot to congratulate you on your birthday?

Behead them. Duh. It’s the only logical response.

Why do you listen to music?

Because I love listening to bright ideas?! Ahah

Do you play any musical instruments soooooo bad that people around you go mad?

Uh, no. I’m like, the best at musical instruments. i don’t even know how to play a single one

Why does life exist?

Because we exist. I’m so bad at this game!

Why couldn’t we all live in space?

Because the space turtles already lived there.

Why can’t we all quit everything and just go “fuck it”?

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Because some people are actually concerned about their virginity the hell i am saying lol

Why is coffee so darn awesome?

Because it’s coffee, duh?! I’m so bad at this rip :skull:

Why are my cats so strange?

Because they met Doctor Strange and signed up for a free mystic-arts learning class :joy:

Why is Marvel comics better than DC comics?

Are marvel comics better than DC? Hmm let me think about it. NO. Do you live under a rock?
Ps the sky is blue because of something scattering. Reileigh maybe? I dunno
Best chat ever
Why is everyone on planet earth so smart?

because the rosswell incident of 1947 may have let the aliens dissipate their brain wave function into humans through intra-molecular radiation

Why do we have second thoughts?


Because clearly our thoughts aren’t smart enough to think up a good thought in the first place.

Why do we have to do algebra?

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