The Support Thread

I’m dying!!

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

:joy: Lmao.

Ok…I was summoned?


I’m pretty sure there’s already another thread like this. Not to mention it doesn’t follow the feature request guidelines, so this will probably be closed if it doesn’t get moved.


I was tagged… what’s up?

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I’m sorry but there are rules in this category. Please read. Members won’t accomplish nothing by suggesting their opinions in your thread!


I’d like tattoos for Female INK and stuble and beard looks for Male INK as they have added for Limelight

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Topic closed as the Feature + Art Suggestions area is not the place for an open discussion concerning multiple requests. There are already threads in the Episode Fan Community for these types of discussions. :smiley: If you’d like to make a request for a specific feature or art/animation, feel free to browse the Feature + Art Suggestions to see if it’s already been requested. If not, then you’re good to create your own! :smiley: And of course, don’t hesitate to PM me @Sydney_H if you have any questions. :wink: