There’s more than one kind of Asian!

If you watch Indiana Jones Temple of Doom, they’re racist!

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Well, tell the people don’t judge a book by a cover! It’s what I learned. I was usually teased by boys for being Chinese,especially in 6th grade. Thankfully, I’m also Mongolian, Korean, and Native American. Making me more than just Chinese!

They don’t do it in a malicious way and luckily for myself and my wife we are far from easily offended.


I usually get offended very easily, especially if they are being rude of me being Chinese. Thankfully, you don’t have that problem. My experiance was bad. That’s why I get easily offended.

Ahhhh. Nothing wrong with that. Imo it’s best to get use to ignorance as you will encounter it your entire life and it will do nothing but get you upset and raise your blood pressure. I’m not saying that ignorance should not be addressed…but best to not let yourself get upset over it.


That’s great advice, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.

Yeah. When people do something maliciously, getting offended just gives them what they crave. It’s so much easier to make a joke that kills their ridiculousness


@EpisodeShadow, Asians are not homongues, I don’t even know what that word means! But it offends those who are Asian.

…if you don’t know what it means, how do you know it’s offensive? Please just stop.


I just need the defenition ,I’ve only known Engilsh for 8 years.

So don’t say it’s offensive if you don’t know if it is or not. You’re doing what I said again: if you don’t know, don’t say.


Okay, but what does the word mean?

It means that there isn’t much mixing of outside races.


???I’m a bit confused, is it meaning from different continent?

Different race. Not different continent. I think you’re actually just being silly on purpose.


Sort of, but also was a bit confused. I usually am funny on purpose. In a good way.

None of this is funny. It just makes you seem ignorant.


Although, aren’t there different races, like, Iraq, Pakistan, Mongolian, or all?

Those are different ethnicities.


Oh. An I’m trying to understand things, not be ignorant. I just wanted an explination sinc I have trouble understanding difficult words.