There's some bug

Idk what happen so as I know there’s a creater contest many themes for now I think it’s Pride stories. When I check on the app. I CANNOT FIND THAT SHELF.Screenshot_20190605-164820_Episode|243x500

And the second one is my friend’s normal one

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Interesting. It doesn’t happen to me but I’m pretty sure other people have been experiencing the same problem. Try sending a ticket. They might be able to help you.

It’s a known bug, I have the same. They’re investigating, but maybe sending in a ticket could give them more clues as to who is having the issue. I sent one, including all the details I thought could possibly be relevant, like when I downloaded the app and the version of the OS I’m using.


My app keeps resetting and won’t keep me longed in and keeps erasing my progress on all the stories I start.

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My progress has been erased to like i didn’t read any of the stories when I already did

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Guys The app has fix my bug! Yayyyyyy. Thank you to the episode team​:heartpulse::wink:

Mine too! :clap:

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