This walking action help please


(Who could that be?)

@CECILIA3 spot 0.926 127 157 AND CECILIA3 is transition_squat_to_stand_neutral

@CECILIA3 exits left AND CECILIA3 does it while walk_exhausted_loop

@pan to zone 1

@CECILIA3 enters from right to screen right AND CECILIA3 does it while walk_exhausted_loop

@CECILIA3 exits left AND CECILIA3 does it while walk_exhausted_loop

sound doorbell

@pause for a beat

ok she isn’t even moving her legs…

Can I see a screenshot of your script?

I post it there what I typed in

Ya no, but a picture like this:

Looks good to me

omg nevermind. I just restarted my app and it works…

Might be a preview glitch

Haha there is it,

it was lol do you sleep lol

Lollll sometimes

jeez lol

Someone’s got to help you late night writers lol


very true indeed lol

Cheers for always being ready to answer the call of duty @RudeInception! Closing thread :v:t2: